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Directions and Places in Malay
Where can I find a taxi?
Di mana saya boleh dapat teksi?
Can I park here?
Boleh saya parkir di sini?
I am lost.
Saya sesat.
Excuse me, how far is it to the city center?
Maaf, berapa jauh ke pusat bandar?
It's next to the supermarket.
Ia bersebelahan dengan supermarket.
I'm looking for this address.
Saya mencari alamat ini.
Opposite the library.
Berhadapan dengan perpustakaan.
The museum is around the corner.
Muzium itu di sekitar sudut.
Follow the signs for the hospital.
Ikuti tanda arah ke hospital.
Which way to the train station?
Yang mana satu jalan ke stesen kereta api?
Is it within walking distance?
Adakah ia dalam jarak berjalan kaki?
Turn left.
Belok kiri.
Please stop here.
Sila berhenti di sini.
Where is the bathroom?
Di mana tandas?
Go straight ahead.
Terus ke hadapan.
Is this the way to the hotel?
Adakah ini jalan ke hotel?
Can you show me on the map?
Boleh tunjukkan pada saya di peta?
Turn right.
Belok kanan.
How do I get to the airport?
Bagaimana saya ke lapangan terbang?
Take the second exit on the roundabout.
Ambil keluaran kedua pada bulatan.
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