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Pixel Art Fundamentals
Color Palette
A limited set of colors chosen for creating the pixel art piece, which together form the entire color scheme of the artwork.
Pixel Density
The number of pixels in a given area, commonly measured in pixels per inch (ppi).
A line or set of lines surrounding a shape or image, often used to define the boundary and add contrast in pixel art.
A technique used to smooth out the jagged edges of pixels, making lines and curves appear less blocky.
Bit Depth
The number of bits used to represent the color of a single pixel, also known as color depth.
A collection of smaller pixel art images used in creating larger maps or levels in games.
The smallest unit of a digital image or graphic that can be displayed and represented on a digital display device.
A two-dimensional image or animation that is integrated into a larger scene, typically used in video games.
Pixel Cluster
A group of adjoining pixels of the same or similar color that are used to create larger shapes and forms.
Palette Swapping
Changing the color palette used for a sprite or image to create different versions without altering the underlying artwork.
Canvas Size
The dimensions of the pixel art piece, measured in pixels, determining the total area in which an artist can create.
The process of creating depth in pixel art by stacking different layers of images on top of one another.
Index Painting
A method of pixel art where you draw directly with the indexed color palette rather than painting with gradients or brushes.
The process of creating movement in pixel art by displaying a sequence of frames or images.
HUD (Heads-Up Display)
The visual indicators and data shown to the player in a game's interface, often created as part of the game's pixel art.
A technique used to create the illusion of color depth and gradients in pixel art, by placing different colored pixels in a pattern.
A style of synthesized electronic music associated with vintage games and commonly found in pixel art game soundtracks.
Isometric Pixel Art
Pixel art that is created with a non-perspective, isometric view, showing objects without foreshortening.
The property of an image that allows the background or other layers to be visible through it.
Refers to the number of pixels in each dimension that can be displayed, often given as width x height.
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