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Constellation Identification
A prominent constellation located on the celestial equator and visible throughout the world. Its main stars include Betelgeuse (a red supergiant), Rigel (a blue-white supergiant), and a line of three stars forming Orion's Belt.
A zodiac constellation that represents an archer. It is famously known for the 'Teapot' asterism and contains the galactic center within its boundaries. Bright stars include Kaus Australis and Nunki.
This zodiac constellation stands for the scales and includes stars like Zubeneschamali and Zubenelgenubi, which respectively mean the Northern Claw and the Southern Claw, harking back to its association with the Scorpius constellation.
A constellation of the zodiac, symbolizing the water-bearer. It is a large but faint constellation, and its two brightest stars are Sadalsuud and Sadalmelik.
A relatively dim zodiac constellation representing a crab. Its most notable stars include Beta Cancri (Tarf) and the star cluster Praesepe (the Beehive Cluster).
Represents the lyre of Orpheus and contains Vega, one of the brightest stars in the sky, which forms one vertex of the Summer Triangle.
Known as the Southern Cross, it is the smallest of the 88 official constellations but very significant for navigation. The stars include Acrux, Mimosa, and Gacrux.
Known as the Sea Goat in the zodiac. It has a distinctive triangular shape. Its brightest stars include Algedi and Deneb Algedi.
This constellation depicts a dragon and has a serpent-like shape winding around the Little Dipper. Its brightest star is Eltanin (Gamma Draconis).
A northern constellation named after the Greek hero. It contains the variable star Algol (the Demon Star) and the famous Double Cluster, along with Mirfak as its brightest star.
A constellation depicting a sea monster. It features Mira, an intriguing variable star that changes brightness dramatically, and Diphda, the brightest star in Cetus.
Ursa Major
A large northern hemisphere constellation known as the Great Bear. It features the Big Dipper asterism. Major stars include Alioth, Dubhe, and Alkaid.
Canis Major
Known as the Great Dog, this constellation's most notable feature is Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, often called the 'Dog Star'.
Represents a herdsman and is dominated by Arcturus, one of the brightest stars in the night sky. The constellation has a kite-like shape.
A constellation in the northern sky, recognizable by its 'W' shape formed by its five brightest stars. It contains the star Schedar and is opposite the Big Dipper across Polaris.
Zodiac constellation symbolizing two fish. It is known for its V-shape made by the Circlet of Pisces. The main stars include Alpherg (Eta Piscium) and Van Maanen's Star.
Part of the ancient constellation Argo Navis, Carina represents the ship's keel. It features Canopus, the second brightest star in the night sky.
Represents a maiden and is the second-largest constellation. Spica is its brightest star, and along with other stars in the constellation, forms a Y shape.
Ursa Minor
Smaller than Ursa Major, it is known as the Little Bear. The end-star of its tail is Polaris, the current North Star. Other stars include Kochab and Pherkad.
Another zodiac constellation symbolizing a ram. Its most notable stars are Hamal, Sheratan, and Mesarthim, which are not particularly bright.
Named after the winged horse in Greek mythology, its most recognized feature is the Great Square of Pegasus. The brightest stars include Markab and Algenib.
Depicts a centaur and is home to Alpha Centauri, the closest star system to the Solar System. It also contains Omega Centauri, the largest known globular cluster.
Named after the mythological princess Andromeda, this constellation features the Andromeda Galaxy M31. Its main stars include Alpheratz and Mirach.
Known as the Swan, this constellation has a cross-shaped asterism known as the Northern Cross. Its brightest star is Deneb, one of the vertices of the Summer Triangle.
Resembles a lion and is part of the zodiac. Its most notable stars include Regulus and the bright Denebola, forming a part of the lion's shape on the sky's dome.
A zodiac constellation representing a scorpion, notable for its bright red star Antares, which is often compared to Mars. Other main stars are Shaula and Sargas.
The largest of all 88 constellations, Hydra symbolizes a water snake. Its main stars include Alphard, the solitary one, which is also its brightest star.
This zodiac constellation represents twins. Its two main stars, Castor and Pollux, mark the heads of the twins and are easy to spot in the sky.
Canis Minor
A small constellation representing the Little Dog. It contains Procyon, the eighth brightest star in the sky, which is also part of the Winter Triangle.
This zodiac constellation represents a bull, with the prominent star clusters the Pleiades and the Hyades. Aldebaran, an orange giant, marks the bull's eye.
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