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Notable Space Missions
Pioneer 11
To conduct an extensive survey of the outer Solar System, Launched on April 5, 1973, Second spacecraft to fly by Jupiter and the first to encounter Saturn.
Voyager 1
To study the outer Solar System and interstellar space, Launched on September 5, 1977, First spacecraft to enter interstellar space.
Kepler Space Telescope
To discover Earth-size exoplanets in or near habitable zones, Launched on March 7, 2009, Confirmed thousands of exoplanets.
Mariner 4
To perform the first flyby of Mars and provide the first close-up photos of the Martian surface, Launched on November 28, 1964, Sent back the first images of Mars.
To perform a detailed study of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Launched on March 2, 2004, First landing on a comet's nucleus.
James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)
To observe the most distant events and objects in the universe, such as the formation of the first galaxies, Launched on December 25, 2021, Expected to revolutionize our understanding of the universe.
Chandra X-ray Observatory
To observe X-rays from high-energy regions of the universe, Launched on July 23, 1999, Provided detailed X-ray images of explosive events and black holes.
Parker Solar Probe
To trace the flow of energy and understand the heating of the solar corona and the origins of the solar wind, Launched on August 12, 2018, Closest approach to the Sun by any man-made object.
Pioneer 10
To study the asteroid belt, Jupiter, and the outer Solar System, Launched on March 2, 1972, First spacecraft to travel through the asteroid belt and make direct observations of Jupiter.
To study Jupiter and its moons, Launched on October 18, 1989, Discovered evidence of subsurface oceans on Europa.
TRACE (Transition Region and Coronal Explorer)
To investigate the connections between fine-scale magnetic fields and the associated plasma structures on the Sun, Launched on April 2, 1998, Provided detailed images of the solar corona.
Curiosity Rover (Mars Science Laboratory)
To explore the Gale Crater on Mars as part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, Launched on November 26, 2011, Discovered conditions suitable for microbial life in ancient past.
To understand the origin and evolution of Jupiter, Launched on August 5, 2011, Providing detailed images and data on Jupiter's atmosphere and magnetosphere.
MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN)
To study the Martian atmosphere to determine how the planet lost its atmosphere and water, Launched on November 18, 2013, Helped understand the process of atmospheric escape.
SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory)
To study the Sun's atmosphere, solar wind, and interior, Launched on December 2, 1995, Discovered numerous comets, among many other findings.
New Horizons
To study Pluto, its moons, and the Kuiper Belt, Launched on January 19, 2006, First-ever flyby of Pluto.
To study the deep interior of Mars to learn how all celestial bodies with rocky surfaces, including Earth and the Moon, formed, Launched on May 5, 2018, Detected Marsquakes and has a mole heat probe.
Hubble Space Telescope
To observe celestial objects with extremely high precision without atmospheric interference, Launched on April 24, 1990, Hubble Deep Field images revealing billions of galaxies.
To study the protoplanet Vesta and dwarf planet Ceres in the asteroid belt, Launched on September 27, 2007, First spacecraft to orbit two extraterrestrial bodies.
To study Saturn and its moons, particularly Titan, Launched on October 15, 1997, First landing on an object in the outer Solar System.
To return samples from the asteroid Bennu, which could provide insights into the early Solar System, Launched on September 8, 2016, Collected samples from an asteroid's surface for return to Earth.
Spirit and Opportunity (Mars Rovers)
To search for and characterize a variety of rocks and soils that hold clues to past water activity on Mars, Launched in 2003, Found evidence of past water on Mars.
Mars Pathfinder
To demonstrate a low-cost method for delivering a set of science instruments to Mars, Launched on December 4, 1996, Delivered the Sojourner rover, which analyzed Martian rocks and soil.
Viking 1 and 2
To study Mars and search for signs of life, Launched in 1975, First successful landing on Mars.
Voyager 2
To study the outer Solar System and beyond, Launched on August 20, 1977, The only spacecraft to have visited Uranus and Neptune.
Apollo 11
First manned Moon landing, July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the Moon.
To study Mercury's chemical composition, geology, and magnetic field, Launched on August 3, 2004, First spacecraft to orbit Mercury.
To collect dust samples from the coma of comet Wild 2 and return them to Earth, Launched on February 7, 1999, First mission to return comet dust samples to Earth.
Mars Express
To study the Martian atmosphere and surface from orbit and search for water, Launched on June 2, 2003, Found evidence of water ice at the Martian south pole.
Deep Impact
To study the composition of a comet's interior by releasing an impactor into the comet Tempel 1, Launched on January 12, 2005, Created a crater on a comet to analyze the ejecta.
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