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Parallel Sorting Algorithms
Parallel Radix Sort
Description: A non-comparative integer sorting algorithm that sorts data with integer keys by grouping keys by individual digits using threads. Best Case Time Complexity: Worst Case Time Complexity: Average Case Time Complexity: where k is the maximum key length, and p is the number of processors.
Parallel Bubble Sort
Description: A parallel version of the bubble sort where the list is divided among processors which individually perform bubble sort, followed by parallel merging. Best Case Time Complexity: Worst Case Time Complexity: Average Case Time Complexity: where p is the number of processors.
Parallel Sample Sort
Description: An adaptation of quicksort that samples the array to choose better pivots to minimize the working set on each recursion. Best Case Time Complexity: Worst Case Time Complexity: Average Case Time Complexity:
Parallel Counting Sort
Description: A parallelized version of counting sort, where the count operation is performed in parallel to improve efficiency for large lists of integer keys. Best Case Time Complexity: Worst Case Time Complexity: Average Case Time Complexity: where k is the range of input values and assuming p processors each working on elements.
Parallel Quick Sort
Description: A parallel version of the quick sort algorithm where sections of the array are split up and sorted in parallel. Best Case Time Complexity: Worst Case Time Complexity: Average Case Time Complexity: where p is the number of processors.
Parallel Merge Sort
Description: A parallel version of the classic merge sort algorithm which divides the array into subarrays to sort and merge in parallel. Best Case Time Complexity: Worst Case Time Complexity: Average Case Time Complexity: where p is the number of processors.
Description: A parallel sorting algorithm that builds a self-balancing multi-dimensional array from the keys to be sorted. Best Case Time Complexity: Worst Case Time Complexity: Average Case Time Complexity: where p is the number of processors.
Parallel Shell Sort
Description: A generalization of bubble sort and insertion sort, this algorithm allows the exchange of items that are far apart by sorting pairs determined by a gap sequence. Best Case Time Complexity: Depends on the gap sequence Worst Case Time Complexity: Depends on the gap sequence Average Case Time Complexity: Varies, often approximated as
Parallel Heap Sort
Description: It is a parallel version of the comparison-based heap sort which involves building a heap and then repeatedly removing the largest element from the heap. Best Case Time Complexity: Worst Case Time Complexity: Average Case Time Complexity: where p is the number of processors.
Bitonic Sort
Description: A comparison-based sorting algorithm for shared-memory parallel machines that performs a sequence of bitonic merges. Best Case Time Complexity: Worst Case Time Complexity: Average Case Time Complexity:
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