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Finite State Machines
The Alphabet in FSM is the set of symbols that the machine's input can be made of, forming strings that the FSM processes.
Output Function (In MEALY Machine)
In a Mealy machine, the output function determines the output based on both the current state and the input symbol.
Transition Function
The Transition Function defines the state transitions based on current state and input symbol in a FSM.
Start State
The Start State is the state at which the FSM begins operation.
States represent the possible conditions that a finite state machine (FSM) can be in at any given time.
Transition Table
The Transition Table is a tabular representation of the transition function, showing the next state for each possible state and input combination.
Input String
The Input String is the sequence of symbols from the FSM's alphabet fed into the machine for processing.
Accept (Final) States
Accept States are those in which the FSM will be in a 'accepting' condition after processing an input string.
Output (In MOORE Machine)
In a Moore machine, the output is determined solely by its current state, not the input.
Dead State
The Dead State is a non-accepting state from which no transitions lead to an accepting state.
Non-deterministic FSM (NDFSM)
A Non-deterministic FSM may have multiple transitions from a single state for the same input symbol.
Deterministic FSM (DFSM)
A Deterministic FSM is one in which no state has two outgoing transitions for the same input symbol.
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