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Basic Card Tricks
The Color Change
1. Control the card to be changed to the top of the deck. 2. Use a sleight like the snap change to switch the card visibly. 3. Execute the change quickly and with flair.
The Slip Cut
1. Get a break below the top card. 2. Cut the deck, slipping the top card into the same position. 3. Maintain the top card's position while cutting the deck.
The False Cut
1. Split the deck into several piles as if cutting it. 2. Stack the piles in a way that retains the original order. 3. Complete the cut without altering the deck's order.
The Overhand Shuffle Control
1. Memorize the bottom card of the deck. 2. Perform an overhand shuffle, retaining the bottom card. 3. Control the spectator's card to the bottom near the known card.
The Double Lift
1. Get a break under the top two cards. 2. Lift the two cards as one, showing the card below. 3. Place them back down as if it's a single card.
The Elmsley Count
1. Hold the deck in a mechanic's grip. 2. Peel the top card with your thumb. 3. Block push the next two cards as one, hiding one card, and finish the count.
The Top Change
1. Hold a card to change in your hand, and control another to the top of the deck. 2. Use misdirection to conceal the moment of the change. 3. Exchange the cards swiftly and cleanly.
The Palm
1. Control desired card to top of the deck. 2. Use your hand to cover the deck and secretly palm the top card. 3. Transfer the palmed card to a pocket or other location discreetly.
The Classic Pass
1. Obtain a break above the card to control. 2. Use your hands to cover the deck as the halves are secretly switched. 3. Do the pass quickly and under misdirection.
The Card Force
1. Riffle the deck and ask the spectator to say stop. 2. Use the riffle force to make the spectator take the card you've chosen. 3. Reveal the selected card in a dramatic fashion.
The Card Reversal
1. Control the chosen card to the top or bottom. 2. Secretly reverse the card when squaring the deck. 3. Use the reversed card for a reveal or as part of another trick.
The Card Peek
1. Lift the corner of the card while holding the deck. 2. Peek at the card during an act of shuffling or cutting. 3. Use the peeked information to control or reveal the card.
The Pinky Break
1. Use your pinky to hold a break after a chosen card is returned to the deck. 2. Maintain the break until ready to use it for a maneuver. 3. Convert the break to a thumb break if needed for further control.
The Hindu Shuffle Force
1. Control the card to force to the bottom of the deck. 2. Perform a Hindu shuffle, keeping the bottom card in place. 3. Force the desired card by stopping at the right moment.
The Crimp
1. Place a small crimp or bend in a card for later identification. 2. Use the crimp to cut to the card or have it selected. 3. Be subtle to avoid detection, then straighten the card afterward.
The Glide
1. Control the chosen card second from the bottom. 2. Use your fingers to pull back the bottom card. 3. Take out the card above the glided card as if it's from the bottom.
The Corner Bend
1. Place a small bend in the corner of the chosen card. 2. Use the bend to identify or control the card location. 3. Remove the bend after the reveal to go unnoticed.
The Fan Force
1. Have a card selected by stopping the fan wherever the spectator indicates. 2. Control the fan to ensure the chosen card is the forced card. 3. Prepare the deck so the same card is always selected.
The Multiple Shift
1. Get multiple cards returned to different spots in the deck. 2. Maintain pinky breaks above each card. 3. Square up the deck, controlling all the cards to the same location.
The Spread Cull
1. Spread the cards face down on the table. 2. As the spectator selects a card, secretly cull or pull back the chosen card. 3. Control the culled card to a specific location in the deck.
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