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Feminist Continental Philosophy
Simone de Beauvoir
Pioneered the existentialist foundation of feminism, author of 'The Second Sex', examined the concept of 'the other' in the context of women.
Luce Irigaray
Challenged masculine-centric discourse, developed the concept of 'sexual difference', critiques the language of philosophy itself as male-dominated.
Judith Butler
Key figure in the development of queer theory, known for her work on gender performativity, wrote 'Gender Trouble' and 'Bodies That Matter'.
Julia Kristeva
Explored the interaction between language and psychoanalysis, famous for her work on semiotics and abjection, and the concept of 'intertextuality'.
Hélène Cixous
Known for her 'écriture féminine', a writing style meant to represent female consciousness, encouraged the dismantling of phallogocentric language.
Donna Haraway
Authored 'A Cyborg Manifesto', which argued for the rejection of rigid boundaries separating human from animal and human from machine.
Christine de Pizan
Earliest feminist philosopher who challenged the misogyny in the literature and culture of her time, wrote 'The Book of the City of Ladies'.
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Influential in postcolonial theory, known for her essay 'Can the Subaltern Speak?', critiques the notion of the subaltern's ability to be heard.
Rosi Braidotti
Contributed to contemporary feminist theory, focusing on concepts such as nomadic subjectivity, posthumanism, and anti-essentialism.
Adrienne Rich
Poet and essayist known for her work on the exploration of identity and sexuality, wrote extensively about lesbian existence and compulsory heterosexuality.
Susan Bordo
Highlighted the cultural dimensions of the body, particularly looking at anorexia and femininity, author of 'Unbearable Weight'.
Sandra Harding
Known for her work on feminist standpoint theory, scrutinized the ways science has been historically biased due to gender.
Nancy Fraser
Focused on social justice and the concept of 'recognition', critiquing the distribution of resources in a capitalist society.
Moira Gatens
Examined how societal institutions perpetuate gender difference and inequality, known for her book 'Imaginary Bodies: Ethics, Power and Corporeality'.
Elisabeth Badinter
Explores the social constructs of femininity and masculinity, and challenges essentialist views of gender, author of 'XY: On Masculine Identity'.
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