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Hermeneutics Principles
Horizon of Understanding
Horizon of Understanding refers to the perspective of meaningful context from which every interpretation is made. In Hermeneutics, it's the framework upon which a text is understood, constantly evolving as the interpreter gains new insights.
Fusion of Horizons
Fusion of Horizons is a concept developed by Hans-Georg Gadamer referring to the coming together of the historical and cultural context of a text with the interpreter's own background, leading to a new understanding.
Hermeneutic Circle
The Hermeneutic Circle is the process of understanding a text by relating the whole and its individual parts. Interpretation is an endless, circular activity where understanding each influences and is influenced by the other.
Prejudices in Understanding
Prejudices in understanding, as per Gadamer, are the preconceived notions and expectations that the interpreter brings to a text, which can both aid and hinder the interpretive process.
Phenomenology of Interpretation
The Phenomenology of Interpretation is the study of structures of experience that enable interpretation. It emphasizes the role of consciousness, intentionality, and the lived experience in hermeneutics.
Effective-Historical Consciousness
Effective-Historical Consciousness is the recognition that historical effects influence every interpretation, and being aware of this historical conditioning is essential to understanding hermeneutics.
Hermeneutic Relativism
Hermeneutic Relativism posits that since understanding is influenced by historical and cultural perspectives, there can be no objective interpretation, but rather interpretations relative to one's horizon.
Textual Hermeneutics
Textual Hermeneutics is the application of hermeneutic principles to the interpretation of written texts, focusing on literary structures and the intent of the author as a means to understanding.
Existential Hermeneutics
Existential Hermeneutics, associated with Martin Heidegger, is the interpretation of human existence through the analysis of language and the way individuals interpret their own experience.
Dialogical Understanding
Dialogical Understanding is based on the concept that interpretation is a dialogue between the interpreter and the text, where both are impacted by and contribute to the meaning of the other.
In hermeneutics, Dialectic refers to the tension and interplay between differing interpretations or points of view that contribute to the evolution of understanding.
Ontological Turn
The Ontological Turn in Hermeneutics is the shift from viewing interpretation as purely epistemological to recognizing the being of the interpreter as fundamentally involved in the act of understanding.
Critical Hermeneutics
Critical Hermeneutics combines traditional hermeneutic principles with critical theory to interrogate how power, ideology, and socio-political factors influence interpretation.
Gadamer's Truth and Method
Gadamer's 'Truth and Method' is a seminal work in hermeneutics that emphasizes the importance of tradition and historical context in understanding, criticizing the idea of methodical objectivity.
Play of the Text
Play of the Text is a concept that understands the interaction between reader and text as dynamic and creative, akin to a play, where meaning emerges through participation and not just analysis.
Historical Consciousness
Historical Consciousness in Hermeneutics refers to the awareness of the historical context and development that shapes both the text and the interpreter's perspective.
Language as Horizons
In Hermeneutics, Language as Horizons posits that language itself has 'horizons' that shape how meaning is generated and understood, influenced by culture, history, and social context.
Hermeneutic Suspicion
Hermeneutic Suspicion is a critical stance often employed in hermeneutics involving the questioning of surface meanings and the exploration of deeper or obscured truths within a text.
Hermeneutic Phenomenology
Hermeneutic Phenomenology is a branch of hermeneutics that merges the study of the structures of experience with interpretive acts to understand the meaning in human experiences.
Tradition and Authority
In Hermeneutics, Tradition and Authority refer to the weight and influence that established interpretations and scholarly traditions have on the interpretation of texts and concepts.
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