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Sloterdijk's Spheres Theory
Microspherology deals with intimate human relationships and personal spaces, exploring how personal bubbles form the core of social life.
Macrospherology examines larger scale structures in human societies, including empires, networks, and globalization, and their expansive ideological atmospheres.
Foams (Poly-spherical Societies)
Foams represent modern society's structure, characterized by interconnected yet separated spheres or 'bubbles' of individual and group identity.
Ontological Dimensions of Spheres
Spheres are ontological spaces that encompass biological, social, and political forms of being, shaping existence from the individual to macro levels.
Anthropotechnics refers to the methods and practices by which humans shape and enhance themselves, focusing on both individual and cultural development.
Immunology of Spaces
This concept discusses how structures, both physical and ideological, serve to protect social groups, acting as 'immune systems' for cultural and political entities.
Atmoterrorism is a concept that involves the destabilization or poisoning of the atmospheric spaces we inhabit, whether literally or metaphorically, resulting in a form of terror.
Chronotopics examines the interrelationship between time and space in human experience, particularly how temporal structures affect spatial ones and vice versa.
Cynicism and Kynicism
Sloterdijk contrasts modern cynicism, a disillusioned form of complacency, with the kynicism of ancient philosophers, who used humor and direct action to subvert norms.
Spheropoiesis is the process of creating and maintaining spheres (social bubbles), emphasizing the active role humans play in shaping their own social environments.
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