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Cultural Competence in Community Settings
Awareness of One's Own Cultural Worldview
Recognizing and understanding one's own cultural biases and perspectives to avoid projecting them onto others.
Knowledge of the Client's Culture
Educating oneself about the client’s culture, history, and values in order to provide culturally appropriate services.
Evaluation and Continuous Improvement
Assessing the effectiveness of cultural competence practices and seeking continuous improvement through feedback and adaptation.
Culturally Appropriate Skills
Developing and applying skills that are respectful of and responsive to the health beliefs, practices, and linguistic needs of diverse patients.
Community Engagement and Empowerment
Facilitating the involvement of community members in designing and implementing services that affect them, thus empowering the community.
Communication Styles
Recognizing and adjusting to different communication styles and nonverbal cues that vary among cultures to enhance mutual understanding.
Cross-Cultural Leadership
Possessing the ability to influence a multicultural group towards achieving a common goal, with regard to the diverse backgrounds of its members.
Cultural Adaptations of Interventions
Modifying existing interventions or creating new ones that align with the cultural beliefs and practices of the community served.
Definition of Cultural Competence
Cultural competence is the ability to understand, appreciate, and interact with people from cultures or belief systems different from one's own.
Attitude Towards Cultural Differences
Cultivating a positive attitude towards diversity and cultural differences, rather than seeing them as obstacles to communication or service.
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