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Knowledge Representation Techniques
Data structures representing stereotypical situations with slots to fill in properties or attributes. Example: A frame for 'House' with slots for 'color', 'size', and 'number of rooms'.
Belief Networks
Also known as Bayesian Networks, they are graphical models representing probabilistic relationships among variables. Example: A network representing the probability of 'Rain' given the presence of 'Clouds'.
Production Rules
Condition-action pairs used in rule-based systems. Example: IF 'traffic light is red' THEN 'stop the car'.
Semantic Networks
A graphical representation of knowledge based on nodes representing concepts and edges representing relationships. Example: A node for 'Bird' with an edge labeled 'is-a' connected to another node for 'Animal'.
Description Logics
A family of formal knowledge representation languages used for ontologies. Example: Using concepts, roles, and individuals to define a 'Person' who 'hasChild' some 'Individual'.
Genetic Algorithms
Search algorithms based on the mechanics of natural selection and genetics. Example: Optimizing a function by evolving a population of candidate solutions.
Rule-Based Systems
Systems that apply rules to a knowledge base to infer new information or make decisions. Example: A medical diagnosis system that uses rules like, IF 'symptom A' and 'symptom B' THEN 'disease X'.
A formal representation of a set of concepts within a domain and the relationships between them. Example: Concepts like 'Person', 'Company', and 'Job' with relationships like 'works at' and 'owns'.
Case-Based Reasoning
A problem-solving technique that reuses past experiences to find solutions to new problems. Example: Diagnosing a patient based on similar previous cases.
Default Reasoning
A strategy to deal with uncertainty by making presumptions when no information to the contrary is known. Example: Assuming a bird flies unless it is known that it does not.
Neural Networks
Computational models inspired by the human brain that are used for pattern recognition. Example: A multi-layer network trained to recognize handwritten digits.
Fuzzy Logic
A form of logic where truth values can range between 0 and 1, representing uncertainty. Example: 'The weather is warm' evaluated to a truth value of 0.7.
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