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Android Material Design Components
A UI pattern introduced in Material Design where a label is displayed on top of an input field, used to indicate the type of content to enter and then floats above when the field is focused.
A horizontal or vertical line that can be used to separate content in lists and layouts, follows Material Design guidelines for list separation.
An extension of CheckBox with Material styling capabilities, used to allow users to make a binary choice, i.e., choose between two mutually exclusive options.
A component that slides up from the bottom of the screen to reveal more content, can either be a persistent static view or a modal dialog.
A FloatingActionButton which adheres to Material Design specifications for a floating action button, used typically for a primary action in an application, such as composing a new message.
A component that consists of a front layer and a back layer, where the front layer can be lifted to reveal the back layer, used to expose in-depth functionality and options.
An implementation of ProgressBar which follows the Material Design guidelines, used to indicate progress of an operation to the users.
A widget that allows users to make selections from a range of values, consistent with Material Design aesthetics, used for settings that reflect intensity or brightness level adjustment.
A small popup that provides descriptive text when an element is hovered over, focused on, or tapped, conforming to Material Design guidelines.
An adaptable widget for different button styles based on Material Design, used for various types of actions in UI.
A panel that displays the app’s navigation options on the left edge of the screen, used for layouts that conform to the Material Design drawer pattern.
A dialog component that allows users to select a time with Material Design aesthetics, used for selecting and setting a specific time of day.
Compact elements that represent an input, attribute, or action, used to display choices, filters, or actions compactly.
A distinctive circular button used for a promoted action, follows the Material Design principles for floating action button design.
Provides a horizontal layout to display tabs, is used for both fixed and scrollable toolbar views.
A layout that allows for navigation drawers that can be pulled out from the edge of the window, used primarily for navigation purposes.
A subclass of AlertDialog which uses Material Design specifications for its UI elements, used to show an alert dialog in a material-styled manner.
A subclass of RadioButton that adheres to Material Design specifications, used when a single choice needs to be made from a list of available options.
An animation that reveals or hides a group of UI elements with a circular mask, centered at a specific point of the view.
A modal menu that is anchored to a View, typically used to provide an overflow of actions that relate to specific content or to provide options for a second part of a command.
An ImageView subclass that supports different shape appearances using the ShapeAppearanceModel, used to display images with custom shapes according to Material Design guidelines.
An input text field designed according to Material Design guidelines, used for single-line text input.
A vertical LinearLayout which implements many of the features of material designs app bar concept, used to ensure that the toolbar remains at the top of the screen.
A FrameLayout with a rounded corner background and shadow, used to display pieces of information inside a card-like interface.
A picker component for selecting date in a calendar-style UI with Material Design aesthetics, used for scheduling tasks or setting deadlines.
A component that functions as a lower AppBar, providing more space in the 'home' section of the UI and allowing for navigation and quick actions, designed following Material Design.
A wrapper for Toolbar which implements a collapsing app bar, used to display a larger UI element, like an image, with a collapsing toolbar.
A more advanced and flexible version of ListView, used for displaying large datasets that can be scrolled very efficiently.
Represents a standard bottom navigation bar for application, used to provide a quick navigation between top-level views of an app.
An extended version of the TextView that can consume the Material theme attributes, used for displaying text in a more flexible and styling consistent manner according to Material Design.
A ViewGroup that can be added to a layout and provides the swipe-to-refresh gesture pattern, used to allow refreshing the content of a view via a vertical swipe gesture.
A ViewGroup that allows you to create large and complex layouts with a flat view hierarchy (no nested view groups), used for flexibility and performance in layout designs.
A version of FloatingActionButton that contains a text label and an optional icon, used for a prominent action within an application.
A banner that displays an important, succinct message, and provides actions for users to address or dismiss the banner, styled as per Material Design.
A layout which wraps an EditText and shows a floating label when the hint is hidden while the user inputs text, also able to show an error message and a character counter.
An extended FrameLayout that displays a Material styled card, it's typically used as a container for a piece of information or action.
A super-powered FrameLayout which provides an additional level of control over touch events and widget positioning, used as a top-level application decor or content layout.
Known as the Toolbar or Action Bar in previous Android versions, a versatile bar that can appear at the top of the screen, providing navigation, and action items.
Provides lightweight feedback about an operation, displays a brief message at the bottom of the screen on mobile and lower left on larger devices.
A shared element transition that morphs two containers by fading, scaling, and transforming their bounds and content, providing a smooth animation between UI states.
A subclass of Switch that displays a toggle button covered by Material Design specifications, used where selection between two states is needed.
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