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Basic Measure Theory Concepts
Lebesgue Measurable Set
A set is Lebesgue measurable if it is part of the sigma-algebra on which the Lebesgue measure is defined. Measurability ensures that the set can be appropriately assigned a measure.
Outer Measure
The outer measure of a set is the infimum of the measures of open covers of the set. It represents an 'external' approach to measuring the size of the set and is not necessarily additive.
In measure theory, a measure is a function that assigns a non-negative real number or to subsets of a set, provided they are in a sigma-algebra, in a way that satisfies certain properties like countable additivity.
Fatou's Lemma
Fatou's Lemma states that for any sequence of non-negative measurable functions , the integral of the limit inferior of the functions is less than or equal to the limit inferior of the integrals, i.e., .
Lebesgue Integral
The Lebesgue integral extends the idea of integration to a wider class of functions and is integral to the study of modern analysis. It differs from the Riemann integral by its way of approaching the construction of the integral, focusing on the measure of the range rather than the domain.
Null Function
A null function is a function that is zero almost everywhere in the domain. In measure theory, two functions are considered equivalent if they differ only on a null set.
Borel Sigma-algebra
The Borel sigma-algebra on a topological space is the sigma-algebra generated by the open sets (or equivalently, the closed sets). For the real numbers, this is the smallest sigma-algebra containing all intervals.
Measure Space
A measure space is a triple consisting of a set , a sigma-algebra of subsets of , and a measure on . It's the fundamental structure in measure theory.
Countable Additivity
Countable additivity is a property of a measure which states that the measure of a countable union of disjoint sets is equal to the sum of the measures of each set, i.e., for disjoint 's.
Null Set
A null set is a set of measure zero within a given measure space. It's important in the sense that modifications on a null set do not affect integrals or probability outcomes.
Complete Measure Space
A measure space is complete if every subset of every null set is also measurable (and hence is a null set). Such additional subsets do not need to be explicitly included in the sigma-algebra.
Monotonicity of Measure
Monotonicity is the property that if , then for any measure . It reflects the intuitive notion that the measure should not decrease if the set becomes larger.
Carathéodory's Criterion
Carathéodory's Criterion is a theorem that provides a condition for when a set is measurable with respect to a measure defined by an outer measure: a set E is measurable if for every set A, , where denotes the outer measure.
Lebesgue's Differentiation Theorem
Lebesgue's Differentiation Theorem asserts that if a function is locally integrable on , then for almost every point, the function value at that point equals the limit of the averages taken over hyperspheres or hypercubes that shrink to that point.
Fubini's Theorem
Fubini's Theorem gives conditions under which a double integral of a function over a product measure space can be computed as an iterated integral, allowing the computation of the integral to be broken down into the computation of two separate integrals.
Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem
This theorem states that if a sequence of measurable functions converges pointwise almost everywhere to a function f and is dominated by some integrable function, then the limit function is integrable and the integral of the limit function equals the limit of the integrals of the functions in the sequence.
Sub-additivity of Measure
Sub-additivity is the property of a measure which asserts that the measure of a union of sets is at most the sum of the measures of the individual sets, i.e., , without the requirement that the be disjoint.
Lebesgue Measure
The Lebesgue measure is the standard way of assigning a measure to subsets of , generalizing the notion of length, area, and volume. It is translation invariant and is defined on the sigma-algebra of Lebesgue measurable sets.
A sigma-algebra is a collection of subsets of a given set X that is closed under complementation and countable unions. It forms the technical foundation for a measure space.
Almost everywhere
A property holds almost everywhere if it holds for all points except a null set. In many respects, properties true almost everywhere are considered as true in the context of measure theory.
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