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Birds of North America
Northern Cardinal
Males are bright red with a black mask. Females are pale brown with reddish tinges. Song is a series of cheerful whistled phrases, often described as 'cheer-cheer-cheer' or 'birdie-birdie-birdie'.
Blue Jay
Bright blue upperparts with white underparts and black ring around the neck. The birdcall is a loud, harsh 'jay' or 'jeer' and can also mimic the calls of hawks.
Canada Goose
Black head and neck with a white 'chinstrap'. Light tan to cream body with vocalization often described as a loud honking.
Baltimore Oriole
Males have bright orange and black plumage with a solid black head. Females are more yellow-orange and brownish-black. The song is a series of rich whistled notes, often fluted and mellow.
Indigo Bunting
Males are a vibrant blue all over, while females are brown with faint streaks. The song is a high-pitched, rhythmic series of notes, described as 'sweet-sweet chew-chew sweet-sweet'.
Mourning Dove
Gray and brown streamlined body with a long pointed tail. The call is a soft, mournful 'cooOOoo-woo-woo-woooo'.
Snowy Owl
Large and white with scattered black spots. Males are nearly all white while females have more spotting. The call is a deep, booming hoot.
Herring Gull
White with light gray back, black wingtips with white spots, and pink legs. Call is a loud, laughing 'ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha'.
Bald Eagle
Adults have a distinctive white head and tail with a dark brown body and wings. Call is a series of high-pitched whistling or piping notes.
Barn Owl
Heart-shaped face with light brown body peppered with dark spots. Not known for hoots, instead it emits a long, eerie screech.
Cedar Waxwing
Sleek, brown and gray with a yellow-tipped tail and red wax-like wingtips. The birdcall is a high-pitched, trilled bzeee or a series of rapid high-pitched trills.
Northern Flicker
Brown with black bars on the back and wings, with a black crescent on the chest. The call is a loud 'wick-wick-wick' or a piercing 'kee-yee'.
American Goldfinch
Males are bright yellow with a black forehead during breeding season. Females are more dull olive-brown. The call is a perky series of musical notes and twitters.
Brown upperparts and white underparts with two distinct black bands across the chest. The call is a loud, plaintive 'kill-deer' sound.
Black-capped Chickadee
Black cap and bib with white cheeks; gray back, wings, and tail. Call is a simple, clear whistle of 'fee-bee' or 'fee-bee-bee'.
Peregrine Falcon
Blue-gray back, barred white underparts, and a black head with thick sideburns. The call is a loud series of 'kak-kak-kak' notes.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Males have a brilliant red throat with green upperparts and white underparts. The call is a small, chirping squeak.
American Crow
Completely black with a fan-shaped tail. The call is a familiar caw-caw, but can also produce a wide variety of noises.
Eastern Bluebird
Males are bright blue on top with a red-brown breast. Females have a more subdued blue tone and a gray breast. Call is a soft 'chur-lee' and 'truly'.
Common Raven
Large and black with a thick neck and shaggy throat feathers. Call is a low and guttural 'croak' or 'kraa'.
Red-tailed Hawk
Rich brown above and pale below with a cinnamon-red tail. Call is a hoarse, screaming 'kee-eeeee-arr' often heard in movies.
Barred Owl
Gray-brown and white striped plumage with a round head without ear tufts. Call is a distinctive 'Who cooks for you, who cooks for you all?'
Eastern Kingbird
Gray-black upperparts, white underparts, and white-tipped tail. Call is a high-pitched, electric 'zeet' or an excited 'kit-kit-kit'.
Great Horned Owl
Large with a mottled gray, brown, and white body, and tufted ears. Call is the classic owl hooting, 'hoo-hoo-hoooooo hoo-hoo'.
Great Blue Heron
Large with blue-gray plumage, long legs, a sinuous neck, and thick, dagger-like bill. Birdcall is a deep croak when disturbed.
Purple Martin
Largest North American swallow with glossy dark blue-black plumage. The song is a gurgling 'tchoo-tchoo-tchoo' and other liquid notes.
Dark brown upperparts and white underparts with a white head and a dark eye stripe. The call is a series of sharp, whistles, cheep, cheep, or yewk, yewk.
American Robin
Males and females have gray-brown upperparts and orange underparts. Birdcall consists of a series of clear whistles and phrases, often repeating 'cheerily, cheer up, cheer up, cheerily, cheer up'.
Red-winged Blackbird
Males are black with red and yellow shoulder patches. Females are brown and heavily streaked. The call is a loud, conk-la-ree!
American Kestrel
America's smallest falcon with a slate-blue head and wings in males and rufous back with black barring in both sexes. The call is a series of 'klee' or 'killy' sounds, often while hovering.
Pileated Woodpecker
Mostly black with a red crest and white stripes on the face continuing down the neck. The call is a loud, wild laugh, 'kuk-kuk-kuk-kuk-kuk'.
Common Grackle
Iridescent blackbird with a long tail and a yellow ring around the eye. Call is a loud, harsh 'chack' and a varied variety of other calls.
American Wigeon
Males have a green eye patch and a white cap, females are mottled brown. The call of the male is a clear whistle that sounds like 'wee-wee-wee'.
Downy Woodpecker
Small with a black and white checkered pattern and a red spot on the back of the head in males. Call is a sharp 'pik' sound and also drumming on trees.
Yellow Warbler
Bright yellow with fine, reddish streaks on the breast and belly. The song is a sweet, rapid series of high-pitched notes, often transcribed as 'sweet-sweet-sweet, I'm so sweet'.
Sandhill Crane
Tall gray bird with a red cap and white cheek patch. The call is a loud, rolling, trumpeting sound like a r-r-r-o-o-o.
Scarlet Tanager
Males are a stunning scarlet red with black wings and tail; females are olive-yellow. The song is similar to a Robin's but raspier, and more hurried.
Wood Duck
Males have iridescent green and purple head with ornate patterns; females are mottled brown. The call is a high-pitched '{whoo-eek, whoo-eek}' for females.
Belted Kingfisher
Stocky with a shaggy crest, blue-gray head, and white underparts with a distinct blue breast band. Call is a loud, rattling trill.
Green Heron
Small heron with a greenish-blue back, wings and a rich chestnut body. The call is a sharp 'skeow', often uttered when disturbed.
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Males have black and white plumage with a rose-red patch on the breast; females are streaked with brown. The song is a melodic, robin-like warble.
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