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Zoonotic Diseases
Influenza A (H1N1)
Definition: A subtype of influenza virus that affects humans and other animals. Transmission: Airborne respiratory droplets, contact with contaminated surfaces. Prevention: Vaccination, hand hygiene, and respiratory etiquette.
Definition: A viral disease causing inflammation of the brain. Transmission: Through saliva via bites or scratches by an infected animal. Prevention: Vaccinating pets, avoiding contact with wild animals, and post-exposure prophylaxis.
Definition: Disease caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Transmission: Ingestion of undercooked, contaminated meat or contact with infected cat feces. Prevention: Cooking meat thoroughly, washing hands after handling cats, and avoiding contact with cat litter.
Definition: Disease caused by Bacillus anthracis bacteria. Transmission: Exposure to infected animals or contaminated animal products. Prevention: Animal vaccination, handling of animals and products with care, and protective clothing.
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
Definition: Viral respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus. Transmission: Close person-to-person contact via respiratory droplets. Prevention: Quarantine of infected individuals, hand hygiene, and use of respiratory masks.
Tuberculosis (Bovine TB)
Definition: Infection with Mycobacterium bovis causing tuberculosis. Transmission: Inhalation of aerosols from infected animals, consumption of unpasteurized dairy products. Prevention: Animal testing and slaughter, pasteurization, and wearing masks in high-risk areas.
Definition: Infection with Chlamydia psittaci, associated with birds. Transmission: Inhalation of bacteria from dried secretions of infected birds. Prevention: Maintaining clean bird environments, protective equipment, and regular health checks for birds.
Definition: A fungal infection of the skin causing ring-shaped rashes. Transmission: Direct skin contact with infected animals or humans, or contact with contaminated objects. Prevention: Skin hygiene, avoiding shared personal items, treating infected pets.
Definition: Infection with Salmonella bacteria. Transmission: Ingesting contaminated food or water, contact with infected animals. Prevention: Proper food handling, cooking and pasteurization, and hand washing.
Ebola Virus Disease
Definition: Severe viral hemorrhagic fever caused by Ebola viruses. Transmission: Direct contact with blood or body fluids of an infected person or animal. Prevention: Isolation of infected individuals, use of protective clothing, and safe burial practices.
Zika Virus
Definition: Mosquito-borne viral disease that can cause birth defects. Transmission: Through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito, sexual transmission. Prevention: Mosquito control, safe sex practices, and avoiding travel to high-risk areas during pregnancy.
Q Fever
Definition: Infection caused by Coxiella burnetii bacteria. Transmission: Inhalation of aerosols from infected animals, particularly farm animals. Prevention: Animal vaccination, proper disposal of birthing products, and use of protective clothing.
Definition: Bacterial infection caused by the genus Brucella. Transmission: Contact with infected animals or consumption of unpasteurized dairy products. Prevention: Animal vaccination, pasteurization of dairy products, and use of protective gear.
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
Definition: Viral respiratory illness caused by hantaviruses. Transmission: Inhalation of virus from rodent urine, feces, or saliva. Prevention: Rodent control, cleaning up rodent droppings safely, and avoiding rodent-infested areas.
Definition: Bacterial infection caused by Leptospira bacteria. Transmission: Contact with urine of infected animals or contaminated water and soil. Prevention: Rodent control, protective clothing, and avoiding water that might be contaminated.
Lyme Disease
Definition: Bacterial infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi. Transmission: Through the bite of an infected black-legged tick. Prevention: Tick control, protective clothing, and checking for ticks after outdoor activities.
MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome)
Definition: Respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus. Transmission: Close contact with infected persons or camels, and inhalation of droplets. Prevention: Camel vaccination, avoiding raw camel milk, and personal protective measures.
Definition: Parasitic disease caused by tapeworm Echinococcus. Transmission: Ingestion of eggs from feces of infected dogs or wild canids. Prevention: Deworming of dogs, proper hand washing, and avoiding ingestion of soil that may be contaminated.
West Nile Virus
Definition: Mosquito-borne viral infection that can lead to neurological disease. Transmission: Mosquito bites, rarely through blood transfusions. Prevention: Mosquito control, protective clothing, and insect repellent.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD)
Definition: Degenerative neurological disorder in humans caused by prions. Transmission: Eating contaminated beef with BSE prions, contaminated surgical equipment. Prevention: Blood donor deferrals, monitoring and control of BSE in cattle, surgical instrument decontamination.
Hepatitis E
Definition: Liver disease caused by the hepatitis E virus. Transmission: Fecal-oral route, particularly through contaminated water. Prevention: Maintaining sanitation and clean water supplies, cooking food thoroughly, and avoiding raw meat from pigs.
Avian Influenza
Definition: Viral infection caused by influenza A viruses in birds. Transmission: Direct contact with infected birds, contaminated environments. Prevention: Bird vaccination, biosecurity measures, and wearing protective clothing around infected birds.
Definition: Parasitic disease caused by Schistosoma flatworms. Transmission: Contact with contaminated freshwater containing larval forms of the parasite. Prevention: Avoid swimming in contaminated water, snail control, and targeted mass drug administration programs.
Mad Cow Disease (BSE)
Definition: A neurodegenerative disease in cattle caused by prions. Transmission: Cattle consuming feed contaminated with prions, rare transmission to humans via contaminated beef. Prevention: Banning animal byproducts in cattle feed and testing of cattle.
African Trypanosomiasis
Definition: Parasitic disease caused by Trypanosoma brucei. Transmission: Tsetse fly bites. Prevention: Vector control, protective clothing, and case detection with treatment.
Cat Scratch Disease
Definition: Infection with Bartonella henselae bacteria. Transmission: Scratch or bite of an infected cat, contact with cat saliva. Prevention: Flea control for cats, avoiding rough play with cats, and wound care.
Definition: Parasitic disease caused by Cryptosporidium. Transmission: Ingestion of contaminated water or food, contact with infected animals or humans. Prevention: Water treatment, hygiene practices, and avoiding contact with feces.
Orf Virus Infection
Definition: Contagious skin disease caused by the ORF virus. Transmission: Direct contact with infected sheep or goats, contact with contaminated fomites. Prevention: Protective clothing when handling infected animals, disinfection of equipment, and vaccination of livestock.
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Definition: Tick-borne illness caused by Rickettsia rickettsii. Transmission: Bite of an infected tick, usually the American dog tick. Prevention: Tick control, use of repellent, and regular tick checks and removal.
Chagas Disease
Definition: Infection caused by Trypanosoma cruzi. Transmission: Through contact with feces of infected triatomine bugs, contaminated food or drinks. Prevention: Insect control, screening of blood donations, and avoiding consumption of unclean foodstuffs.
Definition: A viral zoonotic disease similar to smallpox. Transmission: Direct contact with infected animals' blood, bodily fluids, or monkeypox lesions, or through respiratory droplets. Prevention: Avoiding contact with infected animals and humans, using personal protective gear, and vaccination.
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
Definition: Respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus. Transmission: Close contact with infected persons or camels, and inhalation of droplets. Prevention: Camel vaccination, avoiding raw camel milk, and personal protective measures.
Nipah Virus Infection
Definition: Zoonotic viral disease causing severe illness in humans. Transmission: Contact with bats, infected pigs, or contaminated foods (especially raw date palm sap). Prevention: Avoiding contact with sick animals and bats, and not drinking raw date palm sap.
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF)
Definition: Viral disease with high mortality rates. Transmission: Tick bites or contact with blood of infected animals or people. Prevention: Tick control, proper handling of livestock and slaughter products, and isolation of suspected cases.
Hendra Virus Infection
Definition: Rare viral disease transmitted from fruit bats. Transmission: Contact with body fluids or tissues of infected horses. Prevention: Horse vaccination, wearing protective clothing when handling sick horses, and not disturbing fruit bats.
Japanese Encephalitis
Definition: Mosquito-borne viral infection leading to inflammation of the brain. Transmission: Bites by infected Culex mosquitoes. Prevention: Vaccination for humans and pigs, mosquito control, and use of insect repellents.
Definition: Infection by Giardia lamblia, a protozoan parasite. Transmission: Drinking contaminated water or consuming contaminated food, person-to-person contact. Prevention: Water treatment, hand hygiene, and avoiding consumption of unclean food and water.
Lassa Fever
Definition: Viral hemorrhagic fever caused by Lassa virus. Transmission: Contact with urine or feces of infected Mastomys rats, ingestion of contaminated food. Prevention: Rodent control, safe food storage, and avoiding contact with sick individuals.
Definition: Bacterial infection caused by Yersinia pestis. Transmission: Flea bites and contact with contaminated fluids or tissues. Prevention: Rodent control, flea control, and prophylactic antibiotics when exposed.
Coxiella burnetii
Definition: Bacterium causing Q fever, primarily among farm animals. Transmission: Inhalation of dust contaminated with birth fluids, milk, urine, or feces. Prevention: Livestock vaccination, proper disposal of animal products, and personal protective equipment.
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