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Native Plants Identification
Black-Eyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirta, Golden yellow petals with a dark brown central cone, Widespread in open sunny fields
Blue Oak
Quercus douglasii, Deciduous tree with bluish-green leaves, Grow in dry, rocky soils in foothills
California Poppy
Eschscholzia californica, Bright orange flowers, flourish in sunny, open areas
Coast Redwood
Sequoia sempervirens, Tall evergreen with reddish-brown bark, found in coastal California in foggy, moist climates
Common Sunflower
Helianthus annuus, Large yellow flowers with dark centers, Found in disturbed, open ground
Symphoricarpos albus, Small pink flowers followed by white berries, Grows in forests and along stream banks
Carnegiea gigantea, Tall columnar cactus with white flowers, Native to the Sonoran Desert
Prairie Smoke
Geum triflorum, Feathery plumes of pink flowers, Found in dry prairies and rocky areas
Sword Fern
Polystichum munitum, Dark green, sword shaped leaves, Understory of coniferous forests
Trumpet Vine
Campsis radicans, Fast growing vine with trumpet-shaped orange flowers, Climbs on trees, walls, and fences
Purple Coneflower
Echinacea purpurea, Pinkish-purple petals surrounding a central conical disk, Often found in prairies and meadows
Yucca spp., Evergreen shrubs with sword like leaves and white flowers, Found in hot, dry areas and desert regions
Oregon Grape
Mahonia aquifolium, Holly-like evergreen leaves with yellow flowers, Common in Pacific Northwest understories
Common Serviceberry
Amelanchier arborea, Delicate white flowers in early spring, Edible purple-black berries, Forest edges and open woodlands
Maidenhair Fern
Adiantum pedatum, Fronds with light, airy leaflets, Grows in moist, shaded woodlands
Pussy Willow
Salix discolor, Soft, fuzzy catkins in early spring, Likes wet soil along streams and ponds
Jack Pine
Pinus banksiana, Short needles in fascicles of two, Grows in poor, sandy soils
Virginia Creeper
Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Climbing vine with toothed leaflets, common on walls and trees, Flame red foliage in autumn
Lanceleaf Coreopsis
Coreopsis lanceolata, Bright yellow flowers with a toothed tip, Grows in prairies and along roadsides
Purple Prairie Clover
Dalea purpurea, Purple flowers in cone-shaped heads, Found in tallgrass prairies and sunny spots
American Sycamore
Platanus occidentalis, Large tree with mottled exfoliating bark, Found along streams and in flood plains
Cephalanthus occidentalis, Spherical white or pale pink flower clusters, Grows in wetlands and along waterways
Swamp Milkweed
Asclepias incarnata, Pink and light purple flower clusters, Found in wetlands, often near water
Big Bluestem
Andropogon gerardii, Tall prairie grass with blue-green leaves, Dominates the tallgrass prairie ecosystem
Bottlebrush Grass
Elymus hystrix, Long, bristly seed heads, Ideal for dry woodlands and forests
Indian Grass
Sorghastrum nutans, Tall grass with golden plumes, Typical of tallgrass prairies
Joe Pye Weed
Eutrochium purpureum, Domed clusters of pink-purple flowers, Prefers wet areas and is a butterfly magnet
New England Aster
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae, Purple flowers with yellow centers, Common in meadows and at wetland edges
Box Elder
Acer negundo, Tree with compound leaves and winged seeds, Common alongside rivers and streams
Green Ash
Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Medium-sized tree with opposite leaves, Found in swamps, floodplains, and wetlands
Tulip Tree
Liriodendron tulipifera, Large deciduous tree with yellow-green, tulip-shaped flowers, Grows in rich, well-drained soils
Wild Ginger
Asarum canadense, Heart-shaped leaves with hidden brownish-purple flowers, Found in deciduous woodland floors
Sanguinaria canadensis, Single white flowers with yellow centers, Grows in moist to dry woods and clearings
Bald Cypress
Taxodium distichum, Deciduous conifer with needle-like leaves, Thrives in wet, swampy areas
Chamerion angustifolium, Tall plant with spikes of magenta flowers, Often colonizes after fires or disturbances
Cercis canadensis, Small tree with heart shaped leaves, pink flowers, Common in woodlands and thickets
Silver Maple
Acer saccharinum, Medium to large tree with deeply lobed leaves, Grow in wet soils and along waterways
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