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Constellations of the Northern Hemisphere
Resembles a lyre or small harp; its brightest star is Vega, one of the brightest stars in the night sky.
The Eagle constellation contains Altair, a star that is part of the Summer Triangle asterism.
Symbolizes a maiden and contains Spica, a bright star. It is the second-largest constellation in the sky.
The Winged Horse constellation contains the Great Square of Pegasus, an asterism. Notable stars include Algenib and Scheat.
The Bull constellation is known for the Pleiades and Hyades star clusters. Notable stars include Aldebaran and El Nath.
Represents the serpent bearer and is located around the celestial equator. Notable stars include Rasalhague and Cebalrai.
The Twins constellation, representing Castor and Pollux, features two bright stars of the same names.
Symbolizes a ram; among its stars are Hamal and Sheratan. It is another member of the Zodiac constellations.
The Fishes constellation is known for its V-shaped pattern and being part of the Zodiac. Notable stars include Alpherg and Alrisha.
Canis Major
Known as the Great Dog, it is home to Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky.
The Crab constellation is faint but notable for the Beehive Cluster (M44), an open star cluster.
Resembles a herdsman or kite shape, with the bright star Arcturus located within it.
Represents the mythological hero, is relatively faint but has a distinctive keystone shape. Notable stars include Kornephoros and Rasalgethi.
Ursa Minor
Also known as the Little Bear, it contains Polaris, the North Star, which is at the end of the Little Dipper's handle.
Resembles a 'W' or 'M' shaped pattern, named after a queen in Greek mythology. Notable stars include Schedar and Caph.
Named after a king in Greek mythology, it's shaped like a house. Notable stars include Alderamin and Alrai.
Named after a princess in Greek mythology, it is home to the Andromeda Galaxy (M31). Notable stars include Alpheratz and Mirach.
The Archer constellation is best known in the Northern Hemisphere as a teapot-shaped asterism.
Coma Berenices
Named after Queen Berenice's Hair, this constellation is known for the Coma Star Cluster. Notable stars include Diadem and Alkaid.
Symbol of the Water Bearer, it's known for its Y-shaped pattern. Notable stars include Sadalmelik and Sadalsuud.
Known as the Swan, it features a cross-shaped asterism known as the Northern Cross. Notable stars include Deneb and Albireo.
The Dragon is a long constellation winding around the Little Dipper. Notable stars include Eltanin and Rastaban.
Ursa Major
Known as the Great Bear, it's home to the Big Dipper. Notable stars include Dubhe and Alkaid.
The Scales constellation, historically associated with balance. Notable stars include Zubenelgenubi and Zubeneschamali.
Named after a Greek hero, this constellation contains the famous variable star Algol, known as the Demon Star.
Resembling a lion, notable stars include Regulus and Algieba, and it is part of the Zodiac group.
Canis Minor
The Lesser Dog constellation contains Procyon, one of the brightest stars and part of the Winter Triangle asterism.
One of the most recognizable constellations, known for its belt of three stars. Notable stars include Betelgeuse and Rigel.
Known as the Sea Goat, it is faint but has a distinctive shape. Notable stars include Algedi and Dabih.
Resembles a scorpion and contains the bright red star Antares, often referred to as the 'heart of the scorpion'.
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