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Features of the Martian Surface
Valles Marineris
Canyon; This system of valleys is one of the largest canyons in the solar system, stretching over 4,000 km long.
Hellas Planitia
Impact crater; It is one of the largest impact craters on Mars with a diameter of about 2,300 km (1,400 mi) and a depth of up to 7 km (4.3 mi).
Olympus Mons
Volcano; It is the tallest volcano and mountain in the solar system at 22 km (13.6 mi) high.
Medusae Fossae Formation
Geological feature; A large geological unit of uncertain origin with wind-eroded soft rock deposits, speculated to be volcanic ash.
Utopia Planitia
Impact basin and plain; It is the largest recognized impact basin on Mars with potential subsurface ice.
Victoria Crater
Impact crater; Explored by Opportunity rover, it's well known for its distinctive scalloped edges likely eroded by winds and sand.
Arcadia Planitia
Plain; Situated in the northern hemisphere of Mars, characterized by its smooth, flat terrain and presence of shallow ice under its surface.
Gale Crater
Impact crater; Home to NASA's Curiosity rover, it has a central peak called Mount Sharp.
Polar Ice Caps
Ice formations; Both Martian poles have ice caps that are made primarily of water ice and frozen carbon dioxide (dry ice).
Meridiani Planum
Plain; It is a plain located 2 degrees south of Mars' equator and hosts several layers of minerals, including hematite.
Schaefer Crater
Impact crater; It's a relatively young crater that exhibits gullies along its walls that suggest possible water erosion.
Noctis Labyrinthus
Labyrinth of valleys; This region is a complex network of intersecting valleys, or a labyrinth, located at the western end of Valles Marineris.
Syrtis Major Planum
Dark spot; It's a low-relief volcanic plateau noticeable because of its dark color, which makes it a prominent feature through telescopes.
Elysium Planitia
Volcanic plateau; It is the second largest volcanic region on Mars, and features a vast plain with some of Mars' youngest lava flows.
Gusev Crater
Impact crater; This crater is thought to have once held a lake and was explored by the Spirit rover.
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