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Frequent Pattern Mining Algorithms
Apriori is an algorithm used to identify frequent itemsets and relevant association rules. It operates by generating candidate sets and uses a minimum support threshold to identify frequent itemsets. An example of its use is in market basket analysis for discovering common item combinations in shopping carts.
FP-Growth stands for 'Frequent Pattern Growth' and is an algorithm that directly mines the frequent itemsets without candidate generation, using a compact data structure called the FP-tree. An example of its use is mining customer purchase patterns from transaction databases without generating huge candidate sets.
HMine algorithm is used for mining frequent itemsets but optimizes the process by a hash-based approach to reduce the search space. An example of its use is for mining frequent patterns in sales data to identify commonly bought items together.
ECLAT (Equivalence CLass Transformation) is an algorithm that uses a vertical data format to mine frequent itemsets. It represents the dataset using tidlists and performs an intersection to find commonalities. An example of its use is in genomic sequence analysis to find common patterns across DNA sequences.
SPADE (Sequential PAttern Discovery using Equivalence classes)
SPADE is an algorithm that facilitates the discovery of sequential patterns by utilizing lattice search techniques and simple join operations. It can handle large databases efficiently. An example of use is in telecommunication for analyzing patterns in call sequences.
GSP (Generalized Sequential Pattern)
GSP is an algorithm designed for mining sequential patterns. It extends the Apriori principle by considering sequences of itemsets. An example of its use is identifying frequently followed paths in a website's clickstream data.
PrefixSpan (Prefix-projected Sequential Pattern mining) is an algorithm for discovering sequential patterns in a dataset by exploring prefix sub-patterns. It avoids costly candidate generation. An example of its use is in text mining for finding frequent subsequences of terms or words in a collection of documents.
CARMA (Continuous Association Rule Mining Algorithm)
CARMA is an algorithm designed for mining association rules in a continuous streaming environment. It efficiently updates frequent itemsets without having to rescan the entire data stream. An example of its use is in monitoring systems for detecting frequent occurrences of event combinations.
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