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Entertainment Law Ethics
Conflict of Interest
Occurs when an attorney represents competing parties, thereby compromising loyalty or confidentiality.
Requires an attorney to keep all client communications private unless the client consents to disclosure.
Informed Consent
Entails fully disclosing the relevant facts to a client and obtaining consent before proceeding.
Dual Representation
Representing two clients in the same matter, can raise ethical concerns when interests conflict.
Gifts from Clients
Accepting substantial gifts from clients can raise ethical issues and potential conflicts of interest.
Sexual Relationships with Clients
Generally considered unethical due to the power imbalance and potential for exploitation.
Duty of Competence
Lawyers must provide competent representation by having the necessary skill and knowledge.
Advertising and Solicitation
Marketing must be truthful and not misleading, and there are restrictions on direct solicitation of clients.
Duty of Diligence
Lawyers are required to act with reasonable diligence and promptness in representing a client.
Fee Arrangements
Ethical fee practices include clear, reasonable, and communicated billing arrangements with clients.
Client Trust Accounts
Attorneys must carefully handle client funds, keeping them separate from their own.
Representation of Minors
Entails special considerations for capacity and consent when dealing with clients who are minors.
Exploitation of Clients
Unethically using a client's situation for the lawyer's personal gain is considered exploitation.
Duty to the Court
Lawyers have an obligation to maintain integrity and decorum in the judicial process.
Fair Use Doctrine
Determines when the use of copyrighted material without permission is permissible, such as for criticism or parody.
Right of Publicity
Addresses the ethical use of a person's likeness or identity in commercial endeavors without permission.
Process of Negotiation
In negotiations, lawyers must be honest and must not make false statements of fact or law.
Attorney's Duty to Report Ethical Violations
Lawyers have a duty to report professional misconduct by other attorneys.
Entertainment Contracts
Must be negotiated and drafted ethically to ensure fairness and avoid taking advantage of less experienced parties.
Intellectual Property Rights
Involves ethically respecting and protecting the creative works and intellectual property of others.
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