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Mythological Trickster Figures
Cultural origin: Norse Mythology. Notable stories: The Death of Baldur, The Kidnapping of Idun, The Birth of Sleipnir.
Cultural origin: Greek Mythology. Notable stories: The Theft of Fire, The Creation of Man by Prometheus, The Punishment of Prometheus.
Cultural origin: Akan Folklore. Notable stories: Anansi and the Box of Stories, Anansi and the Pot of Wisdom, Anansi and The Tug of War.
Cultural origin: Native American Mythology. Notable stories: Coyote and the Columbia, Coyote Steals Fire, Coyote Brings Death Into the World.
Cultural origin: Native American and First Nations Mythology. Notable stories: Raven Steals the Sun, Moon, and Stars, Raven and the First Men, Raven and the Whale.
Cultural origin: Greek Mythology. Notable stories: Theft of Apollo's Cattle, Hermes and the Lyre, Hermes' Invention of the Alphabet.
Cultural origin: Hindu Mythology. Notable stories: The Butter Thief, Lifting of Govardhana Hill, Krishna and the Kaliya Serpent.
Till Eulenspiegel
Cultural origin: German Folklore. Notable stories: Till Eulenspiegel and the Innkeeper, Eulenspiegel and the Horse, Eulenspiegel's Mirror Tricks.
Cultural origin: Greek Mythology. Notable stories: The Story of Pandora's Box, The Creation of Pandora, The Release of the Sorrows.
Sun Wukong
Cultural origin: Chinese Folklore. Notable stories: Journey to the West, The Battle with the Army of Heaven, The Search for Immortality.
Cultural origin: European Folklore. Notable stories: Reynard the Fox, The Judgement of Reynard, The Tricks of Reynard.
Cultural origin: West African Mythology. Notable stories: The Trickster's Plots, Trickster's Five-Way Marriage, The Feast of the Trickster.
Cultural origin: English Folklore. Notable stories: Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, Puck in Traditional Folk Tales, The Legends of Robin Goodfellow.
Cultural origin: Yoruba Mythology. Notable stories: Eshu and the Crossroads, Eshu and Divination, Eshu Punishes Dishonesty.
Cultural origin: Japanese Folklore. Notable stories: The Grateful Foxes, The White Fox's Gratitude, Tamamo-no-Mae.
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