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Percussion Clef Reading
Slash notehead
Brushes on Drum
Filled notehead with a vertical line
Notehead with an 'X' through it
One horizontal line
Snare Drum
Two vertical lines with a notehead in the middle
Hi-Hat with foot
Triangle notehead
Wood Block or Temple Block
X notehead on space
Hi-hat or Cymbals
X notehead on line
Ride Cymbal
Filled diamond notehead
Circle notehead
Bass Drum
Filled notehead with a slash
Cross-stick or Rimshot
Unfilled notehead
Plus sign notehead
Hand Clap
Unfilled rectangle notehead
Tam-tam or Gong
Vertical squares
Filled notehead with parentheses
Muted Drum or Muted Cymbal
Three horizontal lines through a stem
Notehead with a 'Z' above
Buzz Roll on a Snare Drum
Clef symbol with two vertical lines and two dots
Percussion Clef
Grace note before filled notehead
Flam for Snare Drum
Group of grace notes before filled notehead
Drag or Ruff for Snare Drum
Arrowhead pointing down
Bells Down
Filled notehead with a fall off coming from above
Bend Down or Fall Off for Pitched Percussion
Arrowhead pointing up
Notehead with a diagonal line through it
Unfilled notehead with a fermata above
Hold Note Indefinitely
Filled notehead with a tilde (~) above
Vibrato for Timpani or Other Pitched Percussion
Filled notehead with a staccato dot and an accent mark
Accented Staccato Note for Snare Drum
Notehead with a squiggly line
Filled notehead with a stem and an accent mark
Accented Note for Snare Drum
Filled notehead with an upside-down 'U' above
Open Roll or Long Double Stroke Roll
Notehead with two diagonal slashes
Roll (Multiple Bounce Roll)
Two vertical lines connected at the top
Hi-Hat closed tightly together
Ghost note indicator (parentheses around notehead)
Ghost Note for Snare Drum
Unfilled notehead with a tie
Tied Notes - Sustain or Let Ring
Filled notehead with a scoop coming from below
Bend Up or Scoop for Pitched Percussion
Notehead with three slashes through the stem
Rim shot on a Snare Drum
Notehead with horizontal lines fanning out
Suspended Cymbal Roll
Notehead with a dot above/below
Staccato notes for any percussion instrument
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