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American Line Dance Steps
Vine Right
Step right with your right foot, step left behind right foot, step right with your right foot, touch left foot next to right.
Shuffle Back
Step back with your left foot, bring your right foot together and step back, then step back again with your left foot.
Lift your right foot and stomp down without changing weight, repeat with the left foot.
Cross your right foot over your left, step left with your left foot, cross your right foot behind your left, and step left with your left foot.
Heel Dig
Dig right heel forward, step right foot next to left foot, dig left heel forward, step left foot next to right foot.
Mambo Step
Rock forward on your right foot, recover onto your left foot, step right foot slightly back.
Jazz Box
Cross your right foot over your left, step back with your left foot, step right foot to right side, and step left foot next to right.
Step Touch
Step to the right with your right foot, touch left foot next to right foot, step to the left with your left foot, touch right foot next to left foot.
Sailor Step
Cross your right foot behind your left, step left with your left foot, and step right with your right foot to the side.
Charleston Step
Touch right toe forward, step back on right foot, touch left toe back, and step forward on left foot.
Similar to a Vine step, includes a cross in front or behind while moving sideways.
Rocking Chair
Rock forward on your right foot, recover weight onto your left foot, rock back on your right foot, and recover weight onto your left foot.
Place your feet apart, twist heels inward while toes point outward, then twist on your heels to bring toes inward.
Funky Twist
Twist your heels to the right, then twist your heels to the left, with knees slightly bent.
Shuffle Forward
Step forward with your right foot, bring your left foot together and step forward, then step forward again with your right foot.
Triple Step
Step quickly on your right foot, step your left foot next to your right, then step right foot again.
Slap Leather
Lift your right foot, slap the inside of your right foot with your left hand, and then step down.
Boogie Walks
Walk forward with a swinging hip motion, stepping first with your right, then with your left foot.
Toe Strut
Step forward on the toes of your right foot, drop your right heel down, step forward on the toes of your left foot, drop your left heel down.
Pivot Turn
Step forward with your right foot, pivot 180 degrees to the left, transferring weight to your left foot.
Coaster Step
Step back with your right foot, step your left foot together, and step forward with your right foot.
Swing your right foot forward with toes slightly touching the floor.
Kick Ball Change
Kick forward with your right foot, step on the ball of your right foot next to your left, then quickly change weight to your left foot.
Lock Step
Step forward with your right foot, lock your left foot behind right, then step forward with your right foot again.
Kick And Point
Kick forward with your right foot, step right foot down, point left foot to the side.
Vine Left
Step left with your left foot, step right behind left foot, step left with your left foot, touch right foot next to left.
Brush the heel of your right foot forward against the floor, then step on your right foot.
Monterey Turn
Touch your right toe to the side, twist on your left foot to rotate right foot in, touch your left toe to the side, and bring your left foot next to your right.
Lift your right knee up in a small 'hitch' motion, then place it down.
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