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Types of Weeds
Canada Thistle
Description: A perennial with purple or white flowers and spiny leaves. Common habitats: Crop fields, roadsides, and disturbed areas. Control measures: Repeated mowing, herbicide application, and cultivation.
Description: A perennial grassy weed with broad leaves and large seed heads. Common habitats: Crop fields, roadsides, and disturbed soils. Control measures: Deep tillage, herbicide application, and mowing before seed set.
Description: A perennial weed with a yellow flower. Common habitats: Lawns, pastures, and disturbed lands. Control measures: Herbicide application, manual removal, and maintaining healthy turf.
Description: A perennial vine with arrowhead-shaped leaves and white to pink flowers. Common habitats: Crop fields, gardens, and disturbed sites. Control measures: Persistent cultivation, mulching, and herbicide applications.
Description: An annual weed with a dusty white coating on leaves. Common habitats: Vegetable and grain crop fields, as well as waste places. Control measures: Cultivation before seed set, crop rotation, and herbicide application.
Morning Glory
Description: An annual or perennial vine with heart-shaped leaves and often bright flowers. Common habitats: Agricultural lands, gardens, and disturbed areas. Control measures: Mulching, cultivation before seed set, and herbicide applications.
Description: A genus of annual and perennial plants with coarse leaves. Common habitats: Farmlands, gardens, and waste areas. Control measures: Cultivation, herbicide application, and maintaining dense crop stands.
Description: An annual grassy weed that spreads quickly. Common habitats: Gardens, lawns, and crop fields. Control measures: Pre-emergent herbicides, proper lawn maintenance, and manual removal.
Description: An annual with heart-shaped leaves and yellow flowers. Common habitats: Crop fields and disturbed lands. Control measures: Cultivation before seed set, herbicide application, and maintaining competitive crops.
Description: A vine known for rapid growth and large leaves. Common habitats: Disturbed areas, forest edges, and along roadsides. Control measures: Continuous mowing, grazing by livestock, and herbicide treatments.
Bermuda Grass
Description: A perennial grass with a deep root system. Common habitats: Lawns, sports fields, and pastures. Control measures: Herbicides for grass control, cultivation, and solarization.
Description: A perennial sedge with a nut-like tuber. Common habitats: Moist, irrigated lands like vegetable gardens and ornamental plantings. Control measures: Proper drainage, herbicide options, and removing nutlets by hand.
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