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Significant Astronomical Discoveries
Enceladus's Geysers Containing Organic Compounds
Cassini spacecraft, 2005-2015, sampled geysers ejecting water rich in organic molecules.
Bacteria in Meteorites
Richard B. Hoover, 2011, claims of finding fossils of bacteria in meteorites, though highly controversial.
Lakes of Liquid Methane on Titan
Cassini–Huygens mission, 2004-2017, discovered stable bodies of surface liquid outside Earth.
Radio Signals from Ross 128
Arecibo Observatory, 2017, unusual radio signals sparked speculation about their potential artificial origin.
Detection of a Multi-planetary System around Kepler-62
Kepler Space Telescope Team, 2013, discovered five planets, two of which are in the habitable zone.
Recurring Slope Lineae on Mars
Lujendra Ojha and team, 2011, discovery of dark streaks on Martian slopes, potentially linked to water activity.
Complex Organic Molecules on Comet 67P
Rosetta spacecraft, 2014, identified a variety of complex organic compounds on a comet.
Proxima Centauri b
Pale Red Dot campaign and ESO/Harps team, 2016, closest known exoplanet located in the habitable zone of its star.
Discovery of the First Exoplanet
Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz, 1995, confirmed the existence of planets outside our solar system.
Organic Salts on Mars
Curiosity Rover, 2021, identified organic salts which are chemical remnants of organic compounds.
Atmosphere of GJ 1132 b
Laura Schaefer and team, 2017, detected atmosphere around an Earth-sized exoplanet for the first time.
Possible Subsurface Ocean on Europa
Magnetic measurements by Galileo spacecraft, 1995-2003, indicated a conductive layer beneath the ice shell.
KIC 8462852 (Tabby's Star) Irregular Dimming
Tabetha S. Boyajian and team, 2015, unusual and sporadic dips in brightness sparked theories of advanced alien megastructures.
Discovery of Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs)
Duncan Lorimer and David N. Lorimer, 2007, detection of highly energetic astronomical phenomena of unknown origin.
First Image of a Black Hole
Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, 2019, captured the first-ever image of a black hole's event horizon.
Discovery of the TRAPPIST-1 System
Michael Gillon and Team, 2016, a system of seven Earth-sized planets of which three are in the habitable zone.
Seasonal Variations of Oxygen on Mars
Curiosity Rover, 2019, discovery of oxygen levels on Mars that vary with the Martian seasons.
Seasonal Methane Spikes on Mars
Curiosity Rover, 2013-2014, recurring detection of atmospheric methane which is a potential biosignature.
Evidence of Water on Mars
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, 2005-present (ongoing mission), provided strong evidence of the historical presence of water.
Ammonia Detected in Exoplanetary Atmospheres
Telescope observations with spectroscopy, various dates, identified ammonia in the atmospheres of exoplanets.
Variable Star Delta Cephei
John Goodricke and Edward Pigott, 1784, its periodic brightness changes led to the understanding of Cepheid variables.
Phosphine Gas in Venus's Atmosphere
Jane Greaves and Team, 2020, potential biosignature detected in the atmosphere of Venus.
The Allen Hills 84001 Meteorite
David S. McKay and Team, 1996, the potential discovery of microfossils of Martian origin.
Interstellar Object 'Oumuamua
Robert Weryk, 2017, the first known object from another star system to pass through our solar system.
Detection of Earth-sized Exoplanets in the Habitable Zone
Kepler Space Telescope Team, 2014, added crucial data to the frequency of potentially habitable planets in our galaxy.
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