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Stock Analysis Techniques
Fundamental Analysis
A method of evaluating a security that involves attempting to measure its intrinsic value by examining related economic, financial, and other qualitative and quantitative factors.
Technical Analysis
A trading discipline employed to evaluate investments and identify trading opportunities by analyzing statistical trends gathered from trading activity, such as price movement and volume.
Quantitative Analysis
A technique that seeks to understand behavior by using mathematical and statistical modeling, measurement, and research.
Qualitative Analysis
Non-numeric examination and interpretation of observations, for the purpose of discovering underlying meanings and patterns of relationships.
Value Investing
An investment paradigm that involves buying securities that appear underpriced by some form of fundamental valuation.
Growth Investing
Growth investors seek out companies with exceptionally high growth potential, hoping to realize maximum appreciation in share price over time.
Dividend Yield Analysis
A financial ratio that shows how much a company pays out in dividends each year relative to its stock price.
PEG Ratio
The Price/Earnings to Growth ratio, a stock's price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio divided by the growth rate of its earnings for a specified time period.
Economic Moat
A sustainable competitive advantage that protects a company against competitors. It allows a firm to maintain excess profits over long periods of time.
Technical Indicators
Mathematical calculations based on the price, volume, or open interest of a security or contract used by traders who follow technical analysis.
Chart Patterns
Patterns that are found within charts and graphs of financial securities' prices (like head and shoulders, double tops and bottoms) that are used to predict future movements.
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis
A valuation method used to estimate the value of an investment based on its expected future cash flows, using a discount rate to account for the time value of money.
Return on Equity (ROE)
A measure of financial performance calculated by dividing net income by shareholders' equity. It indicates how effective management is at using equity financing to generate profits.
Earnings Per Share (EPS)
A company's profit divided by its number of common outstanding shares. It serves as an indicator of a company's profitability.
Beta Coefficient
A measure of the volatility, or systematic risk, of a security or portfolio in comparison to the market as a whole, commonly used in the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).
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