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Notable Media Scholars and Theorists
Stuart Hall
Played a central role in the development of Cultural Studies; known for his decoding/encoding model of communication and his work on reception theory.
Harold Innis
Developed the staples thesis and contributed to the field of media ecology with his ideas on time-biased and space-biased media.
Walter Ong
Focused on the evolution of consciousness and society with regards to writing and print technology, notably in 'Orality and Literacy'.
Paul Lazarsfeld
Conducted pioneering research on media effects and introduced the 'two-step flow' model of communication.
Marshall McLuhan
Proposed the ideas of 'the medium is the message' and 'global village', and introduced the concept of hot and cold media.
Noam Chomsky
Known for the Propaganda Model of media control and co-authoring 'Manufacturing Consent', he has also significantly influenced linguistics with his theory of universal grammar.
Elizabeth Eisenstein
Highlighted the revolutionary impact of the printing press on European culture and society with her work, 'The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe'.
Raymond Williams
Known for his work on the cultural materialism and his analysis of media as forms of cultural production.
Herbert Schiller
Critiqued the cultural imperialism of American media and the capitalist control over communication, notably in his work 'Mass Communications and American Empire'.
Jürgen Habermas
Developed the concept of the public sphere in 'The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere'; sought to understand the role of communicative action in society.
Neil Postman
Wrote 'Amusing Ourselves to Death', which argues that television degrades public discourse, fostering a culture of entertainment over serious public conversation.
Charlotte Brunsdon
Her work often focuses on feminist media studies and the analysis of British television, with contributions such as 'The Feminist, the Housewife, and the Soap Opera'.
Manuel Castells
His theory of the network society is detailed in 'The Rise of the Network Society'. He examines the social, political, and economic implications of informationalism.
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Known for her translation and preface to Derrida's 'Of Grammatology' and her essay 'Can the Subaltern Speak?', which explores the inability of the marginalized to be heard within the discourse of the West.
Ithiel de Sola Pool
Explored the convergence of different modes of communication and technologies into an integrated network or 'convergence of modes', particularly in 'Technologies of Freedom'.
Theodor W. Adorno
Co-authored 'Dialectic of Enlightenment' with Max Horkheimer, critiqued the culture industry for producing standardized cultural goods that lead to a passive audience.
John Fiske
A scholar of media culture and audience studies, Fiske is known for 'Television Culture' and exploring how people make meaning from popular culture.
Max Horkheimer
Deeply involved in the Frankfurt School, his works critique the role of mass media in capitalist societies, examining how culture becomes commodified.
Janet Murray
In 'Hamlet on the Holodeck', she predicts the coming transformations of narrative by digital technology and explores the potentials of interactive storytelling.
Hannah Arendt
Explored the nature of power, authority, and the public realm; her work includes 'The Human Condition' which examines the active life (vita activa) and the importance of public space for politics.
Guy Debord
Founder of the Situationist International, he authored 'Society of the Spectacle', which analyzes the downfall of society into mere representation and spectacle.
Jean Baudrillard
Best known for his theories on hyperreality and simulacra; highlighted the postmodern condition where distinctions between reality and constructed perceptions are blurred.
Henry Jenkins
Pioneered the conception of participatory culture and media convergence, with notable works like 'Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide'.
Martha Rosler
An artist and critic, Rosler's works often address matters of public space and systems of surveillance and her writings include 'Decoys and Disruptions'.
Lisa Parks
Her research involves the study of satellite technologies and media infrastructures, authoring works like 'Cultures in Orbit: Satellites and the Televisual'.
Lev Manovich
Authored 'The Language of New Media', which is a seminal text on understanding digital-media aesthetics, and coined the term 'media object'.
Marita Sturken
Co-authored 'Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture', which examines how visual images shape our understandings of the world.
Lisa Gitelman
Explores the evolution of media and the social and cultural contexts that shape both our views and uses of different media, notable for 'Always Already New'.
Niklas Luhmann
Introduced social systems theory and applied it to mass media, describing how media is a system that operates autonomously and co-evolves with society.
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