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Finite Automata
Transition Function
A transition function is a function that takes a state and an input symbol, and returns the next state (or set of states for an NFA) the automaton moves into.
Accept States (Final States)
Accept states are the states in a Finite Automaton where if the computation ends, the input string is considered part of the language recognized by the automaton.
Language Recognition
Language recognition is the process by which a Finite Automaton decides if a given string belongs to the language it defines, by traversing through states based on input symbols.
Transition Table
A transition table is a tabular representation of the transition function of a Finite Automaton, showing the next state for each combination of current state and input symbol.
Dead State
A dead state is a state in a DFA from which no accept state can be reached, regardless of the input string.
Regular Languages
Regular languages are a class of languages that can be recognized by Finite Automata and described by regular expressions. They are closed under union, concatenation, and star operation.
States (Q)
In Finite Automata theory, states are the distinguishable conditions under which a computation occurs. The set of all states is usually denoted by Q.
Alphabet ()
The alphabet in the context of Finite Automata is the finite, non-empty set of symbols that the automaton's input strings are composed of.
Finite Automaton (FA)
A Finite Automaton is an abstract machine used to model computation and is defined by a set of states, a start state, a set of accept states, and a transition function.
Start State
The start state is the state in a Finite Automaton where the computation begins. It is uniquely defined within the automaton.
Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA)
A DFA is a type of Finite Automaton where each state has exactly one transition for each symbol in the alphabet, and thus determines a unique next state.
State Diagram
A state diagram is a visual representation of a Finite Automaton, with circles for states, arrows for transitions, and labels for input symbols.
Minimization of DFA
DFA minimization is the process of converting a given DFA to an equivalent DFA that has the minimum possible number of states.
Kleene Star ()
The Kleene star is an operator in regular expressions and automata theory that allows any number (including zero) of repetitions of the previous symbol or pattern.
Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages
The Pumping Lemma provides a property that all regular languages satisfy, which can be used to prove that a given language is not regular by showing it fails to meet this property.
Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (NFA)
An NFA is a Finite Automaton where for some states there can be multiple possible next states for a given input symbol, including epsilon transitions (transitions without an input).
Regular Expression
A regular expression is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern and can describe the entire set of strings accepted by a regular language.
Epsilon transition (-transition)
In an NFA, an epsilon transition is one that occurs without consuming any input symbols, allowing the automaton to change states spontaneously.
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