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Influential Female Philosophers
Ayn Rand - Introduced Objectivism, emphasizing rational self-interest and individualism.
Mary Daly - Known for her argument for separatist feminism.
Care ethics
Carol Gilligan - Developed care ethics, a feminist critique to moral development theories.
Feminist metaphysics
Sally Haslanger - Works on social construction and feminist metaphysics.
Feminist epistemology
Sandra Harding - Known for her work contributing to feminist epistemology and philosophy of science.
Egoist anarchism
Emma Goldman - Played a significant role in the development of anarchist philosophy.
Gender performativity
Judith Butler - Known for her work in feminist philosophy, particularly on gender identity.
Existential phenomenology
Hannah Arendt - Known for her works in political theory and philosophy of history.
Virtue ethics
Rosalind Hursthouse - Made contributions to modern virtue ethics, inspired by Aristotle.
Jane Addams - Contributed to American pragmatism, emphasizing applied ethics.
Philosophy of love and sex
Martha Nussbaum - Her wide-ranging work includes the philosophy of emotions, including love and sex.
Analytical feminism
Ann Cudd - Contributed to the discussion of oppression and power in the context of feminism.
Postmodern feminism
Luce Irigaray - Known for her work in psychoanalytic theory and feminist philosophy.
The Ethics of Ambiguity
Simone de Beauvoir - Contributed to existentialism and feminist existential philosophy.
Contrapuntal reading
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak - Introduced the notion of contrapuntal reading in postcolonial literature.
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