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Musical Symbols & Their Meanings
Forte, Play loudly
Flat, Lowers a note by a half step
Turn, An ornament consisting of four notes
Slur, Play the notes smoothly and connectedly
Glissando with Transfer, Slide from one note to another transferring between hands or instruments
Forte-Piano, Play loudly then immediately softly
Mordent, Rapid alternation between a note, the note below it, and the note again
Arpeggio, Notes of a chord are played in quick succession, one after the other
Trill with Ending Note, A trill followed by a final, concluding note
Fortissississimo, Play extremely loudly
Segno, Special sign that marks a section to be repeated
Trill, Rapid alternation between two notes
C Clef, Indicates the pitch of the notes on the staff
Glissando with Accent, Slide from one note to another starting with a strong attack
Repeat Sign, Repeat a section of music
Sharp with Double Flat, Raises a note that was previously lowered by two half steps
A Tempo, Return to the original tempo
Trill with Accent, Rapid alternation between two notes starting with an accent
Tie with Staccato, Connect notes of the same pitch with an abrupt release
Pianissississimo, Play extremely softly
Double Flat, Lower a note by two half steps
Coda, An added ending section of a piece of music
Da Capo (D.C.), Repeat from the beginning
Natural, Cancels a sharp or flat
Sharp, Raises a note by a half step
Tie, Connects two notes of the same pitch
Slur with Staccato, Play connected notes each with a slight separation
Accent with Staccato, Emphasize the note and play it shortly
Glissando, Slide from one note to another
Accelerando, Gradually speed up the tempo
Fermata with Pause, Hold the note longer than usual with an additional pause
Double Flat with Tie, Extend the duration of a note that is lowered by two half steps
Diminuendo, Gradually get softer
Ritardando, Gradually slow down the tempo
F Clef, Indicates the pitch of the notes on the staff
Quarter Note, Basic unit of time in music
Piano, Play softly
Dal Segno (D.S.), Repeat from the sign
Double Sharp, Raise a note by two half steps
Breath Mark, Indicates a place to take a breath
Accent, Emphasize the note
Staccato, Play the notes short and detached
Grace Note, An extra note added as an embellishment and not counted in the rhythm
G Clef, Indicates the pitch of the notes on the staff
Fermata, Hold the note longer than its usual value
Mezzo Forte, Play moderately loudly
Caesura, Indicates a brief, silent pause
Sforzando (sfz), Sudden strong emphasis on a note or chord
Sforzando Fortissimo, A very strong, sudden emphasis
Rest, Silence in music for a specific duration
Crescendo, Gradually get louder
Flat with Change, Lower a note by a half step, indicating a key change or modal change
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