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Evolutionary Perspectives on Parenting
Helpless offspring
The helplessness of human offspring at birth is theorized to be an adaptive feature necessitating parental care.
Sexual selection and parenting
Sexual selection influences parenting by contributing to the traits that make an individual more attractive for mating and parenting.
Mother-infant bond
The mother-infant bond has evolutionary roots in ensuring the infant's survival and successful rearing.
Fathers and parental certainty
Evolutionary theories propose that paternal behaviors are influenced by the level of certainty of their genetic parenthood.
Parental investment
Parental investment theory suggests that parents allocate resources to maximize the reproductive success of their offspring.
Cinderella effect
The Cinderella effect posits that stepparents may invest less in stepchildren, as they do not share genetic ties.
Kin selection
Kin selection theory explains why individuals may demonstrate altruistic behavior towards related offspring.
Parental favoritism
Evolutionary psychology suggests that parents may show favoritism based on the offspring's reproductive value.
Parental control and choice of mates
Parents may exert influence over their offspring's mate choices to ensure the propagation of their genes.
Altruism towards one's children
Altruism in parenting can be explained through the concept of inclusive fitness.
Sibling rivalry
Sibling rivalry can be understood as competition for parental resources which are limited.
Extended parental care
Extended parental care is essential for species with offspring that require long-term development for survival.
Adoption from an evolutionary standpoint
Evolutionary psychology offers explanations for why individuals may invest in genetically unrelated children through adoption.
Breastfeeding and evolutionary psychology
Breastfeeding behavior can be explored through the lens of evolutionary psychology.
Parental psychopathology
Evolutionary psychology may explain the intergenerational transmission of behaviors, including maladaptive ones.
Infanticide and evolutionary psychology
Evolutionary psychology provides insights into the tragic phenomenon of infanticide in animals and humans.
Life history theory and parenting
Life history theory proposes that reproductive strategies, including parenting, are shaped by how energy is allocated.
Parent-offspring conflict
Parents and offspring can have conflicting evolutionary interests when it comes to resource allocation.
Risk-taking and sex differences in parenting
Evolutionary perspectives account for differences in risk-taking behaviors between mothers and fathers.
Mate guarding
From an evolutionary perspective, mate guarding is a strategy to ensure paternity certainty and protect investment in offspring.
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