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Famous Evolutionary Psychologists
David Buss
Known for his evolutionary theories on human sex differences in mate selection.
Charles Darwin
Proposed the theory of natural selection and evolution which underpins evolutionary psychology.
Geoffrey Miller
Known for his work on sexual selection and the evolution of human mating strategies.
Napoleon Chagnon
Known for his ethnographic work on the Yanomami tribe, contributing to evolutionary perspectives on violence and reproductive success.
Sarah Blaffer Hrdy
Her work emphasizes the role of women in human evolutionary strategy and challenges traditional gender roles.
John Tooby
Pioneer in laying the foundations of evolutionary psychology along with Cosmides.
Donald Symons
Known for his work on the evolution of human sexuality, particularly regarding differences between men and women.
Randolph Nesse
Known for research on the evolutionary basis for disease and emotions, specifically the field of Darwinian Medicine.
Satoshi Kanazawa
Known for his application of evolutionary psychology to social sciences, including crime, intelligence, and health.
Robert Trivers
Developed theories of reciprocal altruism, parental investment, and sexual selection.
Leda Cosmides
Co-founder of the field of evolutionary psychology, known for her work on evolved psychological mechanisms.
Steven Pinker
Known for his books that argue for the evolutionary biological basis of language and cognition.
Helen Fisher
Her research concentrates on the evolution and neurological basis of love, sex, and mating behaviors.
Irven DeVore
Key figure in the study of primate behavior and the application of those findings to understanding human social evolution.
Margo Wilson
Has made important contributions to the study of human mating strategies and violence.
Martin Daly
Known for research on homicide, competition, and risk-taking from an evolutionary perspective.
David Sloan Wilson
Advocates for multi-level selection theory, which includes the role of groups in evolution.
Richard Dawkins
Introduced the concept of the 'selfish gene' as a way of expressing the gene-centered view of evolution.
Daniel Nettle
His work explores the evolutionary origins of psychological diversity and the impact of evolution on human behavior.
Nikolaas Tinbergen
Pioneered the study of ethology, providing a framework for observing and interpreting animal behavior which influences evolutionary psychology.
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