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Birds and their Calls
Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus
Habitat: Cliffs, skyscrapers, and other high vantage points. Call: Series of loud, chattering 'kak-kak-kak' sounds.
Cooper's Hawk - Accipiter cooperii
Habitat: Woodlands and forests. Call: A piercing series of 'kak-kak-kak' calls during courtship or when alarmed.
Hairy Woodpecker - Picoides villosus
Habitat: Deciduous and coniferous forests. Call: A sharp 'peek' similar to the Downy Woodpecker but louder.
Cedar Waxwing - Bombycilla cedrorum
Habitat: Open wooded areas, fruiting trees, and hedges. Call: High-pitched, thin whistles - a very subdued 'zeee' or 'zeeet.'
Bald Eagle - Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Habitat: Near large bodies of open water. Call: Weak chirping whistles, 'kleeek kik ik ik ik.'
Indigo Bunting - Passerina cyanea
Habitat: Brushy woodlands and edges. Call: A high-pitched, sweet series of 'what! what!' notes in a rapid-fire manner.
Purple Martin - Progne subis
Habitat: Open areas near water; dependent on man-made birdhouses in eastern North America. Call: A gurgling twitter and a sharp 'tchew' alarm note.
American Goldfinch - Spinus tristis
Habitat: Weedy fields and floodplains. Call: A pleasant, high-pitched 'po-ta-to-chip' or 'per-chick-o-ree.'
Blue Jay - Cyanocitta cristata
Habitat: Forest edges and woodlands. Call: Variety of sounds, famous for 'jay! jay!' and mimicry of hawks.
Red-winged Blackbird - Agelaius phoeniceus
Habitat: Marshes and wetlands. Call: Distinctive conk-la-ree! and a variety of other rich, musical calls.
Red-tailed Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis
Habitat: Open country, woodlands, prairies. Call: A distinctive raspy scream, 'kee-eeeee-arr.'
Wood Duck - Aix sponsa
Habitat: Woodland streams and rivers. Call: Males utter a thin 'jeeeeee' whistle, while females have a loud, grating 'oo-eek, oo-eek.'
Osprey - Pandion haliaetus
Habitat: Coastal regions, rivers, and lakes. Call: A series of sharp, whistling or chirping calls 'cheep, cheep, cheep' during nesting.
Barred Owl - Strix varia
Habitat: Dense woodlands and swamps. Call: A series of hoots 'Who cooks for you, who cooks for you-all?'
Song Sparrow - Melospiza melodia
Habitat: Brushy fields and wetlands. Call: A loud, clear series of notes that often varies, 'maids-maids-maids-put-on-your-tea-kettle-ettle-ettle.'
Green Heron - Butorides virescens
Habitat: Freshwater wetlands and mangroves. Call: A series of sharp 'skeow' sounds when disturbed.
Scarlet Tanager - Piranga olivacea
Habitat: Deciduous forests. Call: A series of burry 'chip-burr' notes or a robin-like song 'cheerup cheerily cheerio.'
Eastern Bluebird - Sialia sialis
Habitat: Open woodlands, fields, and orchards. Call: Soft, melodious 'chur-lee' or 'tru-ly' with warbling tones.
Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos
Habitat: Wetlands, ponds, and rivers. Call: The female quacks loudly while the male has a quieter, raspy call.
Yellow Warbler - Setophaga petechia
Habitat: Shrubby areas near water. Call: A high-pitched 'sweet sweet sweet, I'm so sweet.'
Barn Owl - Tyto alba
Habitat: Open countryside, farms, and woodlands. Call: Shrill, eerie screeches and hissing noises.
Great Horned Owl - Bubo virginianus
Habitat: Forests, swamps, deserts, and urban parks. Call: Deep hooting 'hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo' in a stuttering rhythm.
American Robin - Turdus migratorius
Habitat: Forests, gardens, and fields. Call: A series of clear whistles, 'cheerily, cheer up, cheer up, cheerily, cheer up.'
Common Raven - Corvus corax
Habitat: Varied, from forests to deserts. Call: Deep, resonant 'cronk' sounds along with various other noises.
Eastern Meadowlark - Sturnella magna
Habitat: Fields, meadows, and pastures. Call: A flute-like, melodious 'spring-of-the-year.'
Blackburnian Warbler - Setophaga fusca
Habitat: Coniferous and mixed forests. Call: A high-pitched series of 'zip zip zip zee' sounds.
Prothonotary Warbler - Protonotaria citrea
Habitat: Swamps and wet woodlands. Call: A loud, ringing 'sweet-sweet-sweet-sweet-sweet.'
Canada Goose - Branta canadensis
Habitat: Lakes, ponds, and rivers. Call: Loud honking, 'hink-honk' sounds.
Mourning Dove - Zenaida macroura
Habitat: Open and semi-open areas. Call: Plaintive cooing, 'coo-oo-ooo - coo - coo - coo.'
Sandhill Crane - Antigone canadensis
Habitat: Wetlands, grasslands, and fields. Call: A loud, trumpeting 'kroo kroo kroo' sound.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - Archilochus colubris
Habitat: Open woodlands, gardens, and fields. Call: A soft 'tseet' or 'chit' and the hum of rapidly beating wings.
Northern Mockingbird - Mimus polyglottos
Habitat: Open areas with dense, shrubby vegetation. Call: A seemingly endless series of melodious phrases, often mimicking other birds.
White-throated Sparrow - Zonotrichia albicollis
Habitat: Forests, woodlands, and brush areas. Call: High-pitched, clear whistled tones 'Oh-sweet-canada-canada-canada.'
American Crow - Corvus brachyrhynchos
Habitat: Open fields, woodlands, and urban areas. Call: Familiar series of loud, cawing calls 'caw-caw-caw.'
Northern Cardinal - Cardinalis cardinalis
Habitat: Woodlands, gardens, and shrublands. Call: A variety of whistled phrases, including 'whoit-whoit-whoit' and 'cheer-cheer-cheer.'
Killdeer - Charadrius vociferus
Habitat: Open areas such as fields, beaches, and mudflats. Call: Loud, wailing 'kill-deer, kill-deer' cry.
Black-capped Chickadee - Poecile atricapillus
Habitat: Deciduous and mixed forests. Call: Distinctive 'chick-a-dee-dee-dee' and high-pitched 'fee-bee' whistle.
House Sparrow - Passer domesticus
Habitat: Urban and suburban areas, often near human habitation. Call: A chirpy 'chirrup' or simple 'cheep.'
European Starling - Sturnus vulgaris
Habitat: Wide variety, including cities, parks, and farms. Call: A series of clicks, whistles, and rattles.
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