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Endangered Animal Habitats
Red Panda
Found in the temperate forests of the Himalayas and southwestern China, where it mainly eats bamboo. Issues include habitat loss and fragmentation, poaching, and inbreeding depression.
Native to New Zealand, this flightless parrot lives in forested and alpine regions of the islands. The species is at risk from introduced predators like cats and stoats, and habitat destruction.
Blue Whale
Found in all the world's oceans, preferring cold and temperate waters. Main threats are ship strikes, entanglement in fishing gear, and changes in sea temperatures due to climate change.
California Condor
Lives in rocky shrubland, coniferous forests, and oak savannas. Their survival is challenged by lead poisoning from ingested spent lead ammunition and habitat destruction.
Green Turtle
Lives in tropical and subtropical coastal waters around the world. Dangers include bycatch in fishing gear, poaching for eggs and meat, and habitat degradation.
African Wild Dog
Inhabits sub-Saharan Africa in savannas, grasslands, and open woodlands. Challenges include habitat fragmentation, conflict with human activities, and infectious diseases like rabies.
Black Rhino
Lives in savannas, grasslands, and tropical bushland. Critically threatened by poaching for its horn and changes in land use leading to habitat loss.
Snow Leopard
Inhabits the alpine and subalpine zones of the Himalayas and Central Asia. Threats include poaching for their fur and bones, and loss of prey due to overhunting.
Iberian Lynx
Resides primarily in the Iberian Peninsula in mixed woodlands and maquis shrubland. Threats come from habitat loss due to infrastructure development and decreases in rabbit populations, its main food source.
Hawksbill Turtle
Found in coral reefs, rocky areas, lagoons, oceanic islands, and shallow coastal areas. Threats include climate change, ocean pollution, and the illegal wildlife trade, especially for their shells.
Inhabits the Annamite Range's evergreen forests in Vietnam and Laos. Threats encompass poaching for traditional medicine and habitat fragmentation due to infrastructure development.
Mountain Gorilla
Resides in the cloud forests of the Virunga Mountains and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Pressures include habitat loss, human conflict, and disease transfer from humans.
Amur Leopard
Typically found in temperate forests with cold winters and hot summers in the Russian Far East. Threats include poaching and habitat destruction due to logging and human encroachment.
Western Lowland Gorilla
Inhabits the lowland tropical forests of West Africa. They're primarily threatened by habitat destruction from logging, mining, and agricultural expansion, as well as disease such as Ebola.
Giant Panda
Native to south central China, it resides in mountain ranges with bamboo forests. Threats to its survival include habitat loss due to logging and agricultural expansion.
Bornean Orangutan
Endemic to Borneo, it thrives in rainforests and swampy peatlands. Facing critical threats from habitat destruction for timber and palm oil plantations and illegal wildlife trade.
Grevy's Zebra
Native to the semi-arid grasslands of Kenya and Ethiopia. Main threats are habitat degradation and loss due to overgrazing and drought, as well as competition with livestock.
Resides in the northern part of the Gulf of California. They face incidental capture in illegal gillnets used for fishing another endangered species, the totoaba fish.
Philippine Eagle
Lives in the rainforests of the Philippines, typically at elevations of up to 1800 meters. The primary threats are deforestation, mining, and exposure to pesticides.
Lives in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. Major threats include deforestation, particularly for palm oil production, as well as illegal hunting.
Siberian Tiger
Natives to the forests of eastern Russia, with some also found in China and North Korea. Key threats include poaching for traditional medicines and fur, as well as habitat loss from forestry activities.
Maned Wolf
Lives in the grasslands, shrublands, and dry forests of South America, Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. The threats include habitat destruction for agriculture, vehicle strikes, and diseases from domestic dogs.
Ploughshare Tortoise
This species is only found in the bamboo scrub and deciduous forests of the Baly Bay area in northwestern Madagascar. They face critical endangerment from poaching for the exotic pet trade and habitat loss.
Asian Elephant
This species is found in grasslands, tropical evergreen forests, and semi-evergreen habitats across Southeast Asia. Threats include habitat loss due to deforestation and human-wildlife conflict.
North Atlantic Right Whale
Frequents the Atlantic coast of North America. They are endangered due to ship strikes, entanglement in fishing gear, and changes in plankton abundance caused by climate change.
Sumatran Elephant
Resides in various habitats including lowland tropical forests and grasslands. The pressing threats are habitat loss and fragmentation from deforestation for palm oil plantations and human-elephant conflict.
Javan Rhino
Lives in dense tropical rainforests with mud wallows and plentiful water. The main threats are habitat loss due to agricultural expansion and the lack of genetic diversity.
Chinese Pangolin
Inhabits forests and grasslands of Northern India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangladesh. Extreme threats come from poaching for scales and meat, and habitat degradation.
Cross River Gorilla
Dwells in the lowland montane forests and dense secondary forests at the border of Nigeria and Cameroon. Major threats are habitat destruction due to logging and agriculture, and poaching for bushmeat.
Leatherback Turtle
Found in the open ocean, as well as coastal waters. Nesting occurs on tropical sandy beaches. The species faces threats from marine pollution, particularly plastic, and accidental capture in fisheries.
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