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Space Exploration Robots and Rovers
Lunokhod 1
Design: First roving remote-controlled robot lunar rover, Mission: Explore the surface of the Moon, Achievements: First of its kind to operate on another celestial body
Design: First artificial Earth satellite, Mission: Initiate the Space Age by demonstrating the feasibility of space travel, Achievements: First man-made object to orbit the Earth
Viking 1 Lander
Design: Lander designed to study the surface and atmosphere of Mars, Mission: Search for evidence of life on Mars, Achievements: First successful landing on Mars
Design: Car-sized robotic rover, Mission: Search for signs of ancient life and collect rock/soil samples for possible return to Earth, Achievements: Landed in Jezero Crater, deploying the Ingenuity helicopter
Design: Small robotic Mars rover, Mission: Validate roving technology for future missions, Achievements: First successful rover to operate on Mars
Hubble Space Telescope
Design: Space-based observatory not designed for planetary surfaces, Mission: Observe distant galaxies, nebulas, and other astronomical phenomena, Achievements: Responsible for numerous scientific breakthroughs and the Hubble Deep Field image
Yutu (Jade Rabbit)
Design: Chinese lunar rover, Mission: Explore the Moon's surface, Achievements: First soft landing on the Moon by any country in nearly four decades
Spirit and Opportunity
Design: Twin robotic rovers, Mission: Explore the geology of Mars and search for signs of past water, Achievements: Made numerous geological and meteorological discoveries
Design: Car-sized robotic rover, Mission: Assess Mars' habitability for future human exploration, Achievements: Found evidence of an ancient freshwater lake that could have supported microbial life
Design: Small robotic helicopter, Mission: Demonstrate powered flight in Mars' thin atmosphere, Achievements: First aircraft to perform controlled flight on another planet
Rosetta's Philae Lander
Design: Space probe's lander designated to perform in-depth analysis of a comet, Mission: First mission to land on a comet and study it in situ, Achievements: First spacecraft to soft-land on a comet nucleus
Design: Asteroid sample-return mission, Mission: Collect samples from the asteroid Ryugu and return them to Earth, Achievements: Successful touchdown on the asteroid and return of samples
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