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Models of Communication
Gerbner's General Model
A comprehensive framework that stresses the complex, multi-step process of communication. Key Elements: Perceptual Dimensions, Contextual Factors, Effects, and Meanings.
Westley and MacLean's Model
A model that incorporates feedback and multiple levels of communication, including interpersonal and mass communication. Key Elements: Source, Messages, Channels, Receivers, Feedback, and Gatekeepers.
Osgood-Schramm Model
A circular model that emphasizes the roles of encoder and decoder. Key Elements: Encoder, Decoder, Message, and Interpretation.
Barnlund's Transactional Model
Considers the dynamic and changing nature of communication where sender and receiver are engaged in a simultaneous transaction. Key Elements: Simultaneous Sending and Receiving, Feedback, and Noise.
Shannon-Weaver Model
A mathematical model of communication that describes how information is transmitted from one place to another. Key Elements: Source, Encoder, Channel, Decoder, Receiver, Noise, and Feedback.
Dance's Helical Spiral of Communication
Suggests that communication is cumulative and progressively evolves. Key Elements: Evolutionary Nature, Continuity, Unpredictability, and Complexity of Communication.
Lasswell's Model
A verbal model that answers the questions: Who? Says what? In which channel? To whom? With what effect? Key Elements: Act of Communication, Content, Media, Audience, and Effect.
Gerber's Organizational Communication Model
Describes patterns and interactions within organizations. Key Elements: Direction of Communication, Style of Communication, Channels, and the Network of Communicators.
Petty and Cacioppo's Elaboration Likelihood Model
Analyzes how attitudes are shaped, reinforced, or changed through different routes of information processing. Key Elements: Central Route, Peripheral Route, Motivation, and Ability.
Berlo's SMCR Model
Stands for Source, Message, Channel, and Receiver. Key Elements: Communication skills, Attitudes, Knowledge, Social System, and Culture of the sender and receiver.
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