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Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)
Key Reconciliation
The process of ensuring that the two communicating parties have identical keys in QKD, often using classical error correction methods.
A quantum phenomenon where two qubits form a connected pair, such that the state of one instantly influences the state of the other, regardless of distance.
BB84 Protocol
The first and one of the most popular QKD protocols that use the polarization of photons to securely distribute keys.
Quantum Bit Error Rate (QBER)
The percentage of bits that have errors after sifting in QKD, which indicates the level of noise and potential eavesdropping on the quantum channel.
A step in QKD where parties communicate to discard qubits that are not properly encoded or decoded due to different bases used, thus improving the raw key.
Error Rate
The measure of errors in the transmission of qubits; a high error rate may indicate the presence of eavesdropping in QKD.
The fundamental unit of quantum information, analogous to a bit in classical computing, but can represent both 0 and 1 simultaneously thanks to superposition.
Measurement Device Independent QKD (MDI-QKD)
A QKD method where the measurement device is separated from the key distribution, offering protection against detector side-channel attacks.
Quantum Channel
The medium through which qubits are physically transmitted during QKD; often implemented as optical fibers or through free space.
No-Cloning Theorem
A rule in quantum mechanics stating that it is impossible to create an identical copy of an arbitrary unknown quantum state, hence securing QKD from eavesdropping.
The particle used as a carrier of quantum information in QKD, typically utilized because it can be easily manipulated and measured for different quantum states.
A quantum principle where a quantum system can exist in multiple states at once; it's utilized in QKD to encode information in qubits.
Decoy States
States sent alongside actual qubits in some QKD protocols to detect and protect against eavesdropping by presenting false targets.
Privacy Amplification
A post-processing technique used in QKD to shorten the key and remove any partial information that may have been gleaned by an eavesdropper, further securing the key.
Any attempt to gain knowledge of the key by an unauthorized party; in QKD, such attempts are detectable due to the no-cloning theorem.
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