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Rights of Persons with Disabilities
UN CRPD Article 3 - General Principles
The principles of the Convention include respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy and independence, non-discrimination, full and effective participation, respect for difference, equality of opportunity, accessibility, and gender equality.
UN CRPD Article 7 - Children with Disabilities
This article asserts that children with disabilities have the right to full enjoyment of all human rights and freedoms on an equal basis with other children and stresses the need for the best interests of the child to be a primary consideration.
UN CRPD Article 13 - Access to Justice
Article 13 ensures that persons with disabilities have effective access to justice on an equal basis with others, including through procedural and age-appropriate accommodations.
UN CRPD Article 14 - Liberty and Security of Person
This article ensures that persons with disabilities enjoy the right to liberty and security of person and are not deprived of liberty unlawfully or arbitrarily.
UN CRPD Article 9 - Accessibility
Article 9 requires States to take appropriate measures to ensure persons with disabilities have access, on an equal basis with others, to the physical environment, transportation, information and communications, and other facilities and services open or provided to the public.
UN CRPD Article 35 - Reports by States Parties
Article 35 requires States Parties to submit regular reports to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities about the measures they have taken to implement the Convention.
UN CRPD Article 37 - Cooperation between States Parties and the Committee
Article 37 encourages cooperation between States Parties and the Committee, including responses to inquiries and urgent issues that the Committee may bring to the attention of the State.
UN CRPD Article 30 - Participation in Cultural Life, Recreation, Leisure and Sport
This article recognizes the right of persons with disabilities to take part in cultural life, recreation, leisure, and sport on an equal basis with others, including the provision of appropriate and affordable measures.
UN CRPD Article 1 - Purpose
The purpose of the CRPD is to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity.
UN CRPD Article 15 - Freedom from Torture or Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Article 15 protects persons with disabilities from torture, or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and requires that where such treatment occurs, it is investigated promptly.
UN CRPD Article 19 - Living Independently and Being Included in the Community
Article 19 asserts that disabled individuals have the right to live independently and be included in the community, including having the choice of where and with whom to live, access to in-home services, and other community supports.
UN CRPD Article 21 - Freedom of Expression and Opinion, and Access to Information
Article 21 ensures the right of persons with disabilities to freedom of expression and opinion, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information on an equal basis with others, through all forms of communication of their choice.
UN CRPD Article 27 - Work and Employment
Article 27 guarantees the right of persons with disabilities to work, in an environment that is open, inclusive, and accessible, and prohibits discrimination in job-related matters.
UN CRPD Article 29 - Participation in Political and Public Life
Article 29 provides that persons with disabilities shall have the right and opportunity to participate fully in political and public life, including the right to vote and be elected, facilitated by suitable procedures, facilities, and materials.
UN CRPD Article 38 - Relationship of the Committee with other bodies
This article encourages the Committee to work in close cooperation with other relevant bodies set up under international human rights instruments to enhance the protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities.
UN CRPD Article 10 - Right to Life
This article reaffirms the inherent right to life of all persons with disabilities, and requires States to ensure its effective enjoyment by them on an equal basis with others.
UN CRPD Article 45 - Entry into force
Article 45 establishes that the Convention shall come into force on the thirtieth day after the deposit of the twentieth instrument of ratification or accession.
UN CRPD Article 12 - Equal Recognition Before the Law
This article affirms that persons with disabilities have the right to recognition everywhere as persons before the law and stresses the right to exercise legal capacity.
UN CRPD Article 28 - Adequate Standard of Living and Social Protection
This article ensures that persons with disabilities have the right to an adequate standard of living for themselves and their families, including access to food, clothing, and housing, and to social protection without discrimination.
UN CRPD Article 47 - Amendments
Article 47 describes the procedure for proposing and adopting amendments to the Convention, including the need for a two-thirds majority of States Parties present and voting at a conference for adoption.
UN CRPD Article 49 - Accessible format
Article 49 obligates States Parties to make the Convention available in accessible formats.
UN CRPD Article 4 - General Obligations
Article 4 commits States to adopt all appropriate legislative, administrative, and other measures for the implementation of the rights recognized in the CRPD and to modify or abolish existing laws, regulations, customs, and practices that constitute discrimination.
UN CRPD Article 17 - Protecting the Integrity of the Person
Article 17 affirms that every person with a disability has a right to respect for his or her physical and mental integrity on an equal basis with others.
UN CRPD Article 26 - Habilitation and Rehabilitation
This article mandates States to provide comprehensive habilitation and rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities, promoting their independence and full participation.
UN CRPD Article 18 - Liberty of Movement and Nationality
This article guarantees persons with disabilities the right to liberty of movement, to freedom to choose their residence, and to a nationality, on an equal basis with others.
UN CRPD Article 23 - Respect for Home and the Family
Article 23 ensures the rights of persons with disabilities to marry and found a family, to decide freely on the number and spacing of their children, and to retain their fertility.
UN CRPD Article 34 - Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
This article establishes a Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to monitor the implementation of the Convention by the States Parties.
UN CRPD Article 48 - Denunciation
This article outlines the process for a State Party to denounce the Convention, which includes notifying the depositary and the effects of denunciation on domestic legal obligations.
UN CRPD Article 40 - Conference of States Parties
This article establishes a Conference of States Parties to consider any matters regarding the implementation of the Convention and to facilitate and promote exchange of experiences and best practices.
UN CRPD Article 42 - Signature
This article allows for the Convention to be open for signature at the United Nations Headquarters in New York by all states and regional integration organizations.
UN CRPD Article 44 - Regional integration organizations
This article refers specifically to regional integration organizations, detailing their powers and the extent of their obligations under the Convention.
UN CRPD Article 50 - Authentic texts
This final article states that the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish texts of the Convention are equally authentic.
UN CRPD Article 8 - Awareness-Raising
Article 8 focuses on increasing awareness throughout society regarding persons with disabilities, and to foster respect for their rights and dignity.
UN CRPD Article 5 - Equality and Non-discrimination
This article guarantees persons with disabilities equal and effective legal protection against discrimination and promotes equality of opportunity.
UN CRPD Article 33 - National Implementation and Monitoring
Article 33 requires States to establish national frameworks, including one or more focal points, for the implementation and monitoring of the Convention, with the involvement of civil society and, in particular, persons with disabilities and their representative organizations.
UN CRPD Article 39 - Report of the Committee
Article 39 mandates the Committee to make a report on its activities and submit it to the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council for consideration.
UN CRPD Article 2 - Definitions
This article provides definitions of key terms used within the Convention such as 'communication', 'language', 'discrimination on the basis of disability', and 'reasonable accommodation'.
UN CRPD Article 11 - Situations of Risk and Humanitarian Emergencies
Article 11 obliges States to ensure the protection and safety of persons with disabilities in situations of risk, including armed conflicts and humanitarian emergencies.
UN CRPD Article 25 - Health
Article 25 affirms the right of persons with disabilities to the highest attainable standard of health without discrimination, and obliges States to provide disability-specific health services.
UN CRPD Article 36 - Consideration of Reports
This article describes the process by which the Committee shall consider the reports submitted by States Parties and the involvement of relevant stakeholders, including disabled persons' organizations, in the reporting process.
UN CRPD Article 43 - Consent to be bound
Article 43 outlines the ways in which States may express their consent to be bound by the Convention, including ratification or accession.
UN CRPD Article 16 - Freedom from Exploitation, Violence, and Abuse
This article mandates States to protect persons with disabilities from all forms of exploitation, violence, and abuse and to ensure that all facilities and programs are effectively monitored.
UN CRPD Article 20 - Personal Mobility
This article states that persons with disabilities have the right to personal mobility with the greatest possible independence, including access to mobility aids and assistance from others.
UN CRPD Article 24 - Education
This article emphasizes the right of persons with disabilities to an inclusive education system at all levels, without discrimination and on the basis of equal opportunity, and outlines the need for reasonable accommodation and individualized support.
UN CRPD Article 32 - International Cooperation
This article outlines the importance of international cooperation in support of national efforts for the realization of the purpose and objectives of the Convention.
UN CRPD Article 41 - Depositary
Article 41 designates the Secretary-General of the United Nations as the depositary of the Convention, responsible for its administration.
UN CRPD Article 6 - Women with Disabilities
Article 6 recognizes that women and girls with disabilities are subject to multiple forms of discrimination and calls on States to adopt measures to ensure the full development, advancement, and empowerment of women with disabilities.
UN CRPD Article 22 - Respect for Privacy
This article asserts the right of individuals with disabilities to privacy, including confidentiality of their personal, health, and rehabilitation information.
UN CRPD Article 31 - Statistics and Data Collection
Article 31 obligates States to collect appropriate information, including statistical and research data, to enable them to formulate and implement policies to give effect to the Convention.
UN CRPD Article 46 - Reservations
This article allows States Parties to make reservations to the Convention as long as such reservations are not incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention.
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