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Livestock Reproduction
Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary, making it available for fertilization.
Semen Collection
Semen collection is the process of obtaining semen from male livestock for use in artificial insemination.
Mastitis is the inflammatory response of udder tissue, usually caused by bacterial infection and affecting milk-secreting animals.
Colostrum is the first form of milk produced by female mammals immediately following parturition, rich in antibodies.
A heifer is a young female bovine that has not yet given birth to a calf.
A ewe is an adult female sheep.
Creep Feeding
Creep feeding is the practice of providing supplementary feed to suckling offspring, inaccessible to their dams.
A teaser is a male animal used to detect estrus in females, but is usually surgically altered to prevent actual mating.
Embryo Transfer
Embryo Transfer is a technique in which an embryo developed from one female's egg, after being fertilized, is transferred to the reproductive tract of another female.
Estrus is the period in which female livestock are sexually receptive and ovulation is likely to occur.
Synchronous Breeding
Synchronous breeding is a management technique where females in a herd are made to come into estrus at the same time.
Farrowing is the term used to describe the birth process in pigs.
Polled livestock are animals born naturally without horns.
Gestation Period
The gestation period is the length of time from conception until birth. It varies by species.
Libido in livestock refers to the male's sex drive or desire to mate.
Weaning is the process of transitioning young livestock from milk to solid feed.
Castration is the removal or inactivation of the testicles in male livestock, rendering them infertile.
A sow is an adult female pig, especially one which has already given birth.
A ram is an adult male sheep used for breeding.
Free Martin
A free martin is a female bovine born twin to a male, often sterile due to shared blood circulation with the male twin affecting development.
Bloat is a digestive disorder characterized by an accumulation of gas in the rumen and reticulum of cattle, potentially impacting pregnant cows.
Breeding Soundness Exam
A breeding soundness exam assesses the reproductive potential of male and female livestock, ensuring they are fit for breeding.
Parturition is the process of giving birth in livestock.
Dry Period
The dry period is the time when a dairy cow is not milked, typically lasting 60 days prior to calving to allow the udder tissue to regenerate.
Retained Placenta
Retained placenta occurs when a female livestock fails to expel the afterbirth within a normal time period after parturition.
A gilt is a young female pig that has not yet given birth to piglets.
Lactation is the period of milk production in female livestock following parturition.
Freshening is the process of a dairy animal beginning a new lactation cycle after giving birth.
Artificial Insemination (AI)
AI is the deliberate introduction of sperm into a female’s reproductive tract for the purpose of achieving a pregnancy without sexual mating.
A zygote is the initial cell formed when two gamete cells (egg and sperm) are joined via sexual reproduction.
Seasonal Breeders
Seasonal breeders are animals that only come into estrus during certain times of the year, often related to environmental cues.
Dystocia is the term used for difficult birth in livestock, often requiring human assistance.
Crossbreeding is the process of mating animals of different breeds to produce offspring with traits from both parental lines.
Superovulation is the process of inducing a female livestock to produce more eggs than normal, usually via hormonal treatments.
Lambing is the process of giving birth in sheep.
In livestock, a stud refers to a male animal kept for breeding.
Prolapse is a reproductive disorder where an organ (e.g., uterus or vagina) falls out of place, often seen near parturition.
Flush Feeding
Flush feeding is the increase of feed given to females prior to and during the breeding season to increase the rate of ovulation.
A bull is an adult male bovine used for breeding.
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