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GPS Technology in Agriculture
Variable Rate Application (VRA)
Applies varying rates of inputs (seeds, chemicals, fertilizers) based on GPS data.
Record Keeping
Facilitates geospatial record keeping to maintain detailed farm management logs.
Irrigation Control
GPS technology aids in the management and optimization of irrigation scheduling and coverage.
Crop Scouting
GPS enables precise location tracking to monitor crop health and detect problems early.
Introduction to GPS in Agriculture
Explains the basic concept of GPS technology and its significance in modern farming.
Tractor Guidance
GPS systems help in steering tractors, reducing overlaps and gaps in field coverage.
Autonomous Farm Equipment
Leverages GPS guidance for operating driverless tractors and drones.
Environmental Protection
Supports sustainable farming by reducing chemical overlap and ensuring compliance with regulations.
Yield Monitoring
Employs GPS to record yield data for analysis and future planning.
Livestock Management
Tracks the location and movement of livestock for improved herd management.
Field Mapping
Utilizing GPS for determining field boundaries, crop rows and irrigation systems.
Soil Sampling
Enhances precision in soil sampling by providing exact geo-locations for sample collection.
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