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MapReduce Fundamentals
Map Function
In MapReduce, the map function processes input data in key-value pairs and outputs intermediate key-value pairs.
Combiner Function
An optional function in the MapReduce framework used to combine intermediate key-value pairs with the same key to reduce the amount of data transferred between the map and reduce phases.
Key-Value Pair
A fundamental data structure in MapReduce, consisting of a unique identifier (key) and associated information (value) that is processed by the map and reduce functions.
Reduce Function
The reduce function in MapReduce takes the intermediate key-values pairs from the map phase, sorts them, and processes them to output the final result.
An open-source framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using the MapReduce programming model.
Shuffling in MapReduce is the process of redistributing data across different reducers such that all data belonging to one key goes to the same reducer.
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