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Climate Change Agreements and Conferences
Kyoto Protocol
Year held: 1997 Main commitments: Legally binding emission reduction targets for developed countries
Year held: 2019 Main commitments: Discussions on implementing Article 6 of the Paris Agreement regarding carbon markets
Copenhagen Accord
Year held: 2009 Main commitments: Recognized the need to limit global temperature increases to 2 degrees Celsius
Lausanne Energy Summit
Year held: 1989 Main commitments: Discussed international energy policies and the role of energy in global climate change
Year held: 1997 Main commitments: Adoption of the Kyoto Protocol
Year held: 2014 Main commitments: Delivered the Lima Call for Climate Action, which helped shape the negotiating text for the Paris Agreement
First World Climate Conference
Year held: 1979 Main commitments: Recognized climate change as a serious issue and called for international cooperation
Year held: 2013 Main commitments: Advanced the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage
Conference of the Parties (COP21)
Year held: 2015 Main commitments: Adoption of the Paris Agreement
Year held: 2011 Main commitments: Adoption of the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action
Year held: 2016 Main commitments: Advanced the implementation of the Paris Agreement through the Marrakech Action Proclamation
Earth Summit 2002 (Rio+10)
Year held: 2002 Main commitments: Focused on sustainable development and reviewed progress since the original Rio Summit
Year held: 2012 Main commitments: Undertook the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol, including establishing a second commitment period
Rio Earth Summit (UNFCCC)
Year held: 1992 Main commitments: Created a framework for action aimed at stabilizing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs)
Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol
Year held: 2012 Main commitments: Included a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol from 2013 to 2020
Year held: 2007 Main commitments: Results included the Bali Action Plan and the launch of the Bali Road Map
Year held: 2010 Main commitments: Establishment of the Green Climate Fund and the Cancun Agreements
Year held: 2008 Main commitments: Enhanced long-term cooperative action on climate change
Year held: 2018 Main commitments: Adoption of the Katowice Climate Package to operationalize the Paris Agreement
Earth Summit 2012 (Rio+20)
Year held: 2012 Main commitments: Renewed political commitment to sustainable development and adopted the outcome document 'The Future We Want'
Paris Agreement
Year held: 2015 Main commitments: Limit global warming to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels
Year held: 2009 Main commitments: A non-binding agreement to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius
Year held: 2000 (part 1) and 2001 (part 2) Main commitments: Continued negotiations on the rules for implementing the Kyoto Protocol
Marrakech Accords
Year held: 2001 Main commitments: Provided detailed rules for the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol
Bali Road Map
Year held: 2007 Main commitments: Launched a new round of negotiations to enhance global climate change actions
Year held: 2017 Main commitments: Progressed on the implementation of the Paris Agreement via the Talanoa Dialogue
Stockholm Conference
Year held: 1972 Main commitments: Beginning of the global environmental dialogue with the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
Year held: 1995 Main commitments: The Berlin Mandate, starting the process toward the Kyoto Protocol
Year held: 2021 Main commitments: Agreement on the Glasgow Climate Pact aimed at keeping 1.5°C within reach and finalizing the Paris Rulebook
Year held: 2005 Main commitments: Adoption of the Montreal Action Plan to extend the life of the Kyoto Protocol beyond its 2012 expiration date
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