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Diplomatic Relations Breakthroughs
Serbia and Kosovo
2013 - Brussels Agreement
Argentina and United Kingdom
1990 - The Madrid Accords
NATO and Russia
1997 - NATO-Russia Founding Act
United Kingdom and China
1997 - Transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong
Colombia and FARC
2016 - Colombian peace agreement
Republic of Macedonia and Greece
2019 - Prespa agreement
United States and Vietnam
1995 - Normalization of diplomatic relations
China and United Kingdom
1984 - Sino-British Joint Declaration
Egypt and Israel
1979 - Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty
United States and People's Republic of China
1972 - Nixon's visit to China
Germany and Israel
1965 - Establishment of diplomatic relations
United States and Panama
1977 - Torrijos–Carter Treaties
North and South Korea
2018 - Panmunjom Declaration
Australia and East Timor
2006 - Treaty on Certain Maritime Arrangements in the Timor Sea (CMATS)
United States and Iran
2015 - Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)
Rwanda and France
2019 - Thawing of relations after the Rwandan genocide
United States and Japan
1951 - San Francisco Peace Treaty
P5+1 and Iran
2013 - Geneva interim agreement on the Iranian nuclear program
United States and Pakistan
1959 - Security agreement
South Africa and Cuba
1994 - Normalization of relations after apartheid
Canada and United States
1988 - Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement (CUSFTA)
United States and Soviet Union
1987 - Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
United States and Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)
1994 - Agreed Framework
European Union and Turkey
1963 - Ankara Agreement
United States and the Afghan Mujahideen
1980s - Operation Cyclone
United States and Cuba
2014 - Cuba–United States relations restoration
United States and Libya
2006 - Restoration of diplomatic relations
United Arab Emirates and Israel
2020 - Abraham Accords Peace Agreement
United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland
1985 - Anglo-Irish Agreement
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