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Summits that Shaped Modern Politics
Bretton Woods Conference
Year held: 1944; Main agreements: Established IMF and World Bank, framework for international monetary policy.
Annapolis Conference
Year held: 2007; Main agreements: Aimed to relaunch the Israeli-Palestinian peace process; resulted in joint understanding to pursue peace talks.
Berlin Conference
Year held: 1884-1885; Main agreements: Regulation of European colonization and trade in Africa, 'Scramble for Africa'.
G7 Summit
Year held: Annually since 1976; Main agreements: Various agreements on economic policy, international trade, and security issues among the world's major advanced economies.
WTO Ministerial Conference of 1999
Year held: 1999; Main agreements: The Seattle conference ended without any new agreements, partly due to widespread demonstrations and internal disagreements.
Congress of Vienna
Year held: 1814-1815; Main agreements: Re-established a balance of power in Europe after Napoleonic Wars, Restoration of monarchies.
Helsinki Accords
Year held: 1975; Main agreements: Commitment to detente and cooperation between the Eastern and Western blocs, human rights, and economic issues.
Washington Naval Conference
Year held: 1921-1922; Main agreements: Naval disarmament, maintenance of the status quo in the Pacific, the Nine-Power Treaty to respect China's sovereignty.
Year held: 1991; Main agreements: Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms.
Madrid Conference
Year held: 1991; Main agreements: Initiated bilateral negotiations between Israel and its neighbors, multilateral talks on regional issues.
Kyoto Protocol
Year held: 1997; Main agreements: International treaty on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, legally binding emission reduction targets.
Bandung Conference
Year held: 1955; Main agreements: Promotion of Afro-Asian economic and cultural cooperation, opposition to colonialism.
Year held: 1979; Main agreements: Set limits on the number of strategic weapons and launchers that each side could have.
Wannsee Conference
Year held: 1942; Main agreements: Implementation of the 'Final Solution', the Nazi plan for the genocide of the Jewish people.
Casablanca Conference
Year held: 1943; Main agreements: Allies agreed on the strategy of 'unconditional surrender' of Axis powers, continuation of the war effort.
Yalta Conference
Year held: 1945; Main agreements: Division of Germany, spheres of influence, plans for creating the United Nations.
Paris Peace Conference
Year held: 1919; Main agreements: Treaty of Versailles, creation of the League of Nations, redrawing of national boundaries.
Camp David Accords
Year held: 1978; Main agreements: Framework for Egypt-Israel peace, leading to the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty.
G20 Summit
Year held: Annually since 1999 (leaders' summit annually since 2008); Main agreements: Cooperation on financial stability, climate change mitigation, and sustainable development.
Geneva Summit
Year held: 1955; Main agreements: Discussions on Cold War tensions, 'spirit of Geneva', no concrete agreements.
Potsdam Conference
Year held: 1945; Main agreements: Potsdam Declaration, finalizing post WWII European borders, terms for Japanese surrender.
Reykjavik Summit
Year held: 1986; Main agreements: No agreements reached, but set the stage for future arms control negotiations.
Earth Summit
Year held: 1992; Main agreements: Adoption of Agenda 21, Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, establishment of the Commission on Sustainable Development.
Cairo Conference
Year held: 1943; Main agreements: Allied leaders discussed strategy for the Pacific War, reaffirmed the goal of defeating Japan, addressed postwar Asia.
Oslo Accords
Year held: 1993; Main agreements: Mutual recognition between Israel and the PLO, framework for future negotiations on permanent peace.
Copenhagen Summit
Year held: 2009; Main agreements: Acknowledgment of the climate change problem, but no legally binding commitments were made.
Year held: 1972; Main agreements: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty between the US and USSR.
Singapore Summit
Year held: 2018; Main agreements: Agreement for North Korea to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
Year held: 1993; Main agreements: Ban on the use of MIRVs (Multiple Independently targetable Reentry Vehicles) on ICBMs, further reduction of strategic arms on both sides.
Tehran Conference
Year held: 1943; Main agreements: Allies' commitment to a second front against Nazi Germany, postwar reorganization plans.
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