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Grand Military Tactics
Fire and Movement
Developed in the 19th to 20th centuries, involves suppressive fire and maneuver elements to close with and defeat the enemy
Hammer and Anvil
Classical antiquity to present, uses a strong frontal force (anvil) to pin the enemy against a mobile striking force (hammer)
Hedgehog Defence
20th Century, utilized by forces to form strong, self-sufficient defensive positions or zones amidst enemy territory
Island Hopping
World War II, used by Allied forces in the Pacific Theater to bypass heavily fortified islands and isolate them with naval blockades
AirLand Battle
Late 20th century, designed to counter Warsaw Pact forces through integration of air and land power
Guerrilla Warfare
Varied throughout history, utilizes small, mobile groups to perform hit-and-run tactics on a larger, less-mobile traditional army
Combined Arms
20th Century to present, integrates different branches of a military to achieve mutually complementary effects
Early 20th Century, particularly World War II, aimed at disrupting the enemy's command structure, supply lines, and communications
Fabian Strategy
Ancient Rome, aimed at avoiding pitched battles and frontal assaults to wear down an opponent through a war of attrition
Scorched Earth
Used from ancient to modern times, involves destroying anything that might be useful to the enemy while advancing through or withdrawing from an area
Saturation Bombing
20th Century, particularly World War II, aims to destroy a targeted area, often without regard for precision or civilian casualties
Siege Warfare
Ancient to early modern periods, encompasses surrounding and cutting off a fortified place to compel surrender
Cavalry Charge
Ancient to early modern periods, often used by heavily armed and armored cavalry to break through enemy lines
Shock and Awe
Late 20th to early 21st century, focuses on overwhelming an adversary to undermine their will to fight
Pincer Movement
Used throughout history, aims at enveloping and cutting off the enemy, ideally leading to their surrender
Trench Warfare
World War I, characterized by long, costly stalemates and high casualties, emphasizing defense over advance
Defensive Attrition
Common in stalemate or trench warfare conditions, seeks to wear down the enemy to the point of collapse through continual losses
Naval Blockade
Ancient to modern times, aims at cutting off an enemy's access to resources, trade routes, and effective maritime operations
Decapitation Strike
Contemporary warfare, aims to remove the leadership of an enemy to cause chaos in its ranks and neutralize its ability to retaliate effectively
Deep Battle
Developed in the Soviet Union during the interwar period, envisages sequential attacks at varying depths to disrupt enemy forces
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