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Philosophy in the Hellenistic Period
Principles: Virtue as the highest good, living in accordance with nature, and importance of self-control. Key Philosophers: Zeno of Citium, Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius.
Principles: Seeking modest pleasures to attain a state of tranquility and freedom from fear, the pursuit of happiness, and absence of pain. Key Philosophers: Epicurus, Lucretius.
Principles: Emphasizing doubt concerning the truth of anything, suspension of judgment, and seeking tranquility. Key Philosophers: Pyrrho, Sextus Empiricus.
Principles: Advocating for a life in agreement with nature, rejection of conventional desires for wealth, power, and fame, and living a life of virtue. Key Philosophers: Antisthenes, Diogenes of Sinope, Crates of Thebes.
Principles: Belief in a single source from which all existence emanates, the importance of spiritual cognition, and the soul's striving to return to the One. Key Philosophers: Plotinus, Porphyry, Iamblichus.
Academic Skepticism
Principles: Doubting the possibility of certain knowledge and embracing probable knowledge. Key Philosophers: Arcesilaus, Carneades, Cicero.
Peripatetic School
Principles: Following Aristotle’s teachings, focus on logic and the natural world, practical wisdom, and pursuit of ethical virtues. Key Philosophers: Aristotle, Theophrastus, Strato of Lampsacus.
Principles: Belief in the transmigration of the soul, the significance of numbers, and harmony in the cosmos. Key Philosophers: Pythagoras, Philolaus, Archytas.
Principles: Skill in argumentation, skepticism about objective truth, and teaching rhetoric to succeed in public life. Key Philosophers: Protagoras, Gorgias, Hippias.
Principles: Emphasizes the reality of abstract forms or ideas as the highest form of reality, belief in an immortal soul, and the importance of philosophical rulers. Key Philosophers: Plato, Speusippus, Xenocrates.
Principles: Emphasis on empirical evidence and the knowledge through sensory experience, value of virtues and the 'golden mean', systematizing logic and metaphysics. Key Philosophers: Aristotle, Alexander of Aphrodisias, Avicenna.
Principles: Selective adoption of elements from various philosophical systems without adherence to a specific school. Key Philosophers: Cicero, Seneca, Quintilian.
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