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Objective vs. Subjective in History
Historical Fact
Objective: Represent events that can be substantiated by evidence. Subjective: Interpretation of these events can vary based on the historian's perspective.
Objective: The study of the writing of history and of written histories. Subjective: Influenced by the scholars’ cultural, political, and personal biases.
Historical Cause and Effect
Objective: Analysis based on evidence of what led to what. Subjective: Assigning significance or meaning to these relationships can be influenced by personal judgement.
Historical Periodization
Objective: Divides history into distinct periods for organization. Subjective: The choice of periods can reflect contemporary values or viewpoints.
Historical Continuity and Change
Objective: Identifying what has stayed the same and what has evolved over time. Subjective: Valuing certain continuities or changes involves personal bias.
Historical Significance
Objective: Events or figures that had a major impact on history. Subjective: What is significant to one historian or era may not be to another.
Historical Narratives
Objective: Seeking to represent past events truthfully. Subjective: The story told is influenced by the narrator's perspectives and choices.
Use of Primary Sources
Objective: Direct evidence from the period being studied. Subjective: Interpretation of these sources can be colored by the historian's schema.
Use of Secondary Sources
Objective: Works that interpret or analyze primary sources. Subjective: Can carry the interpretations and biases of secondary authors.
Causality in History
Objective: Seeking factual basis for why events happen. Subjective: The selection and emphasis of causes can reflect personal or societal biases.
Role of Individuals in History
Objective: Examines the impact of individual actions in history. Subjective: Overemphasizing 'great man' theories versus structural forces reflects societal values.
Role of Technology in History
Objective: The tangible impact technological advances have on society. Subjective: How technology's role is interpreted can be influenced by the historian's values.
Economic Factors in History
Objective: The study of historical economies based on data and records. Subjective: Economic analysis is often influenced by the historian's economic philosophy.
Social Structures in History
Objective: The arrangements of societies and their hierarchies. Subjective: Interpretation of social structures is influenced by current societal norms.
Cultural Factors in History
Objective: The influence of culture on historical events and periods. Subjective: What aspects of culture are highlighted can reflect the historian's cultural standpoint.
Political Developments in History
Objective: Charting the dynamics of political power over time. Subjective: Analysis can be swayed by the historian's political ideology.
Ideological Influence in History
Objective: Studying the prevalence and impact of ideologies. Subjective: How ideologies are portrayed may vary with the historian's own beliefs and context.
Ethical Judgements in History
Objective: Assess past actions against a backdrop of contemporaneous standards. Subjective: Current moral standards influence how past behaviours are judged.
Psychological Factors in History
Objective: Considering the psychological motivations behind historical actions. Subjective: Psychological analysis can be influenced by modern psychology theories.
Historical Methodology
Objective: Procedures and tools used by historians to gather and analyze data. Subjective: How these methods are selected and applied can be influenced by the historian's aim.
The Role of Memory in History
Objective: The interplay between collective memory and history. Subjective: Collective memory is shaped by social and cultural factors and by those who control the narrative.
Impact of Wars on History
Objective: To measure and understand the wide-reaching effects of wars. Subjective: Perceptions and contextualization of wars can be shaped by nationalistic or pacifistic agendas.
Religious Influences in History
Objective: Identifying how religion shaped historical events and societies. Subjective: Importance and representation of religions can reflect a historian's cultural background.
Global Interactions in History
Objective: Understanding the interactions between societies and cultures globally. Subjective: How these interactions are valued and interpreted can be affected by current globalization perspectives.
Constructions of Gender in History
Objective: To explore how gender roles and identities were constructed historically. Subjective: Contemporary discussions of gender may affect the analysis and portrayal of historical gender constructions.
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