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Significant Works in Philosophy of Language
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Author: Ludwig Wittgenstein Brief Synopsis: This text outlines Wittgenstein's picture theory of language, which posits that thoughts are logical pictures of facts and that the structure of language mirrors the structure of reality.
Word and Object
Author: Willard Van Orman Quine Brief Synopsis: In 'Word and Object', Quine discusses the indeterminacy of translation and rejects the analytic-synthetic distinction, challenging traditional views on meaning.
Naming and Necessity
Author: Saul Kripke Brief Synopsis: This book revolutionized the philosophy of language by introducing new ideas about necessity and contingency in relation to proper names and natural kind terms, thereby challenging descriptivist theories of naming.
Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language
Author: John Searle Brief Synopsis: Searle's work builds on J.L. Austin's theory of speech acts, categorizing them and exploring their significance in communicative acts.
How to Do Things with Words
Author: J.L. Austin Brief Synopsis: Austin's groundbreaking book where he puts forward the concept of speech acts, which do not merely describe a situation but rather perform an action by the very act of speaking.
Philosophical Investigations
Author: Ludwig Wittgenstein Brief Synopsis: This book represents Wittgenstein's later philosophy, where he criticizes the ideas he presented in 'Tractatus', especially the notion of language as a rigid system that represents reality.
Sense and Reference
Author: Gottlob Frege Brief Synopsis: This essay distinguishes between the 'sense' (Sinn) and 'reference' (Bedeutung) of a sign, contributing crucial ideas to the debate on the meaning of names and the problems of intension and extension.
On Denoting
Author: Bertrand Russell Brief Synopsis: Russell's essay is central to the philosophy of language and logical atomism, and introduces his theory of descriptions, which aims to resolve problems associated with empty or non-referring expressions.
The Meaning of Meaning
Author: C.K. Ogden and I.A. Richards Brief Synopsis: This work is a study in the influence of language on thought and the science of symbolism. It investigates the relation between words and their referents and the concept of meaning.
Word and Thought
Author: H.P. Grice Brief Synopsis: In this book, Grice advances the theory of implicature, presenting how what is suggested in an utterance can often be more significant than its literal meaning.
Expression and Meaning
Author: John Searle Brief Synopsis: Searle extends his earlier work on speech acts to explore the relationship between literal and non-literal language and the roles of intention and convention in communication.
The Structure of Language
Author: Noam Chomsky Brief Synopsis: Chomsky's work underlies modern linguistics and has significant intersections with philosophy of language. He posits an innate language faculty and introduces the idea of universal grammar.
The Theory of Proper Names
Author: John Searle Brief Synopsis: In this book, Searle contributes to the debate on proper names begun by Russel and Kripke, defending a more traditional theory rooted in descriptivism.
The Logical Syntax of Language
Author: Rudolf Carnap Brief Synopsis: Carnap offers a formal language that excludes metaphysical statements as meaningless and introduces the principle of logical syntax as the sole necessity in constructing a language system.
Language, Truth and Logic
Author: A.J. Ayer Brief Synopsis: A core text of logical positivism, asserting that meaningful statements are either empirically verifiable or analytic, thus dismissing metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics as literal nonsense.
Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity
Author: Richard Rorty Brief Synopsis: Rorty advocates for a liberal society where people are free to create their own vocabularies. He challenges the traditional pursuit of objective truth in favor of a more contingent understanding of knowledge.
Studies in the Way of Words
Author: H.P. Grice Brief Synopsis: This book collects Grice's influential lectures and papers on language, including his theories on conversational implicature, the cooperative principle, and maxims of conversation.
Metaphors We Live By
Author: George Lakoff and Mark Johnson Brief Synopsis: This book argues that metaphor is at the heart of how we understand the world and ourselves, revealing how our conceptual system is fundamentally metaphorical in nature.
The Blue and Brown Books
Author: Ludwig Wittgenstein Brief Synopsis: These works offer insights into Wittgenstein's transitional thoughts on the philosophy of language, as he moves from the ideas of the 'Tractatus' to those developed in 'Philosophical Investigations'.
Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin, and Use
Author: Noam Chomsky Brief Synopsis: Chomsky delves into the nature and origins of language, supporting his theory of universal grammar and arguing that the capacity to learn language is innate to humans.
Writing and Difference
Author: Jacques Derrida Brief Synopsis: The book introduces Derrida's concept of deconstruction, which became a central tenet of post-structuralism, challenging structuralist conceptions of language and meaning.
Languages of Art
Author: Nelson Goodman Brief Synopsis: Goodman explores the symbolic languages used in art, proposing a theory of symbols that are syntactically, semantically, and pragmatically dense.
The Bounds of Sense
Author: P.F. Strawson Brief Synopsis: This text is an examination of Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason'. Strawson argues that much of Kant's metaphysics can be detached from his epistemology, which remains valuable.
Of Grammatology
Author: Jacques Derrida Brief Synopsis: Derrida deconstructs the traditional concept of writing and the primacy of speech over writing, introducing the idea of différance as a central concept in deconstruction.
Language and Reality
Author: Hilary Putnam Brief Synopsis: Putnam discusses the philosophy of language and metaphysics, proposing a direct reference theory and challenging philosophical skepticism.
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