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Feminist Legal Theory
Catharine MacKinnon
Contributions: Feminism, Unmodified; central idea that sexuality is central to women's subordination. Perspectives: Legal sex equality should address pornography and sexual harassment as part of sex discrimination.
Carol Gilligan
Contributions: In a Different Voice; introduced the 'ethic of care' as an alternative to the justice perspective that dominates legal and moral reasoning. Perspectives: Emphasizing the importance of context and relationships in moral decision-making.
Patricia Hill Collins
Contributions: Black Feminist Thought; explores the intersection of race, gender, and class. Perspectives: Advocates for the use of intersectionality in legal theory to understand and combat systems of oppression.
Kimberlé Crenshaw
Contributions: Coined the term 'intersectionality'; highlighted the failure of feminism to address the experiences of black women. Perspectives: Legal practices must recognize multiple, overlapping identities and forms of discrimination.
Robin West
Contributions: Caring for Justice; challenges liberal legal theory. Perspectives: Asserts that justice within the legal system must incorporate aspects of care and human connectedness often associated with the feminine.
Martha Fineman
Contributions: The Autonomy Myth; criticizes the liberal individualism underlying American law. Perspectives: Proposes 'vulnerability theory', suggesting that the legal system ought to recognize and address the vulnerable state inherent to all human beings.
Drucilla Cornell
Contributions: Beyond Accommodation; argues for a transformation in legal interpretation. Perspectives: Encourages the recognition of the importance of diversity and difference within feminist legal theory and the practical legal realm.
Mari Matsuda
Contributions: First woman of color to join a tenure-track at a top-ten law school; her work focuses on the intersection of law and critical race theory. Perspectives: Calls for 'multiple consciousness' and 'looking to the bottom' to include diverse perspectives in legal discourse.
Judith Butler
Contributions: Gender Trouble; critiques feminist legal theory for assuming stable gender identities. Perspectives: Advocates for a focus on performative aspects of gender and its implications in law, challenging the gender binary and essentialism.
Andrea Dworkin
Contributions: Extensive writing on the effects of pornography and the law's complicity in women's oppression. Perspectives: Asserts that pornography is a form of violence against women and should be addressed in legal contexts as a civil rights violation.
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